All Stories

  1. Beyond destructive and constructive interparental conflict: Children’s psychological vulnerability to interparental disorganization.
  2. Children’s dove temperament as a differential susceptibility factor in child rearing contexts.
  3. Maternal depressive symptoms and language development: The moderating role of child temperament.
  4. Detouring in the family system as an antecedent of children’s adjustment problems.
  5. Children’s attentional biases to emotions as sources of variability in their vulnerability to interparental conflict.
  6. Understanding how and why effortful control moderates children’s vulnerability to interparental conflict.
  7. Early childhood parenting and child impulsivity as precursors to aggression, substance use, and risky sexual behavior in adolescence and early adulthood
  8. Gender Differences in the Developmental Cascade From Harsh Parenting to Educational Attainment: An Evolutionary Perspective
  9. The Interplay Among Children's Negative Family Representations, Visual Processing of Negative Emotions, and Externalizing Symptoms
  10. Family instability and children's effortful control in the context of poverty: Sometimes a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
  11. Identifying the temperamental roots of children's patterns of security in the interparental relationship
  12. Temperament and Interparental Conflict: The Role of Negative Emotionality in Predicting Child Behavioral Problems
  13. Maternal Unresponsiveness and Child Disruptive Problems: The Interplay of Uninhibited Temperament and Dopamine Transporter Genes
  14. The genetic precursors and the advantageous and disadvantageous sequelae of inhibited temperament: An evolutionary perspective.
  15. An examination of the impact of harsh parenting contexts on children's adaptation within an evolutionary framework.