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  1. Semi-empirical formula for reference evapotranspiration calculation
  2. Efficiency of prefabricated biodigesters in the treatment of domestic wastewater in dispersed rural localities
  3. Fear scales, in adults over 18 years of age
  4. Es un paper acerca de cosecha de agua para ganado domestico
  5. Hidrologia del Altiplano peruano
  6. Mapeo de inestabilidad de laderas en cuencas de fuerte pendiente mediante el enfoque de talud infinito.
  7. Geofagia
  8. Expansive soils for the foundation of an irrigation canal
  9. Geo-hydrological Risk Awareness and Disaster Preparedness in a Mountainous Area of Southern Peru
  10. Metodo SEBAL
  11. Sequias en el Altiplano
  12. Seasonal variation of heavy metals in surface water
  13. Optimization operation reservoir in Lagunillas system with Climate change
  14. Base flow in the micro watershed
  15. Generation of Monthly Average in Peruvian Altiplano