All Stories

  1. The fentanyl family: A distinguished medical history tainted by abuse
  2. Evolution to low-dose NSAID therapy
  3. Perspectives on Intravenous Oxycodone for Control of Postoperative Pain
  4. Long-term efficacy, safety and tolerability of Remoxy for the management of chronic pain
  5. Intranasal Ketorolac as Part of a Multimodal Approach to Postoperative Pain
  6. Pain and Obesity in the Older Adult
  7. Mitigating the risk of opioid abuse through a balanced undergraduate pain medicine curriculum
  8. Non-Analgesic Effects of Opioids: Factors Relevant to Opioid Abuse and Abuse- Deterrent Formulations
  9. Dynamic risk factors in the misuse of opioid analgesics
  10. Perspectives on transdermal scopolamine for the treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting
  11. Controlled release formulation of oxycodone in patients with moderate to severe chronic osteoarthritis: a critical review of the literature
  12. A Randomized, Double-Blind Comparison Shows the Addition of Oxygenated Glycerol Triesters to Topical Mentholated Cream for the Treatment of Acute Musculoskeletal Pain Demonstrates Incremental Benefit Over Time
  13. Naltrexone extended-release injection: an option for the management of opioid abuse
  14. Continuous Multimechanistic Postoperative Analgesia: A Rationale for Transitioning from Intravenous Acetaminophen and Opioids to Oral Formulations
  15. Extended-release formulations of tramadol in the treatment of chronic pain
  16. Perspectives on the Role of Fospropofol in the Monitored Anesthesia Care Setting
  17. Prophylaxis of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Adolescent Patients: A Review with Emphasis on Combination of Fixed-Dose Ondansetron and Transdermal Scopolamine