All Stories

  1. About integer-valued variants of the theta and 6j symbols
  2. SU(3) Higher Roots and Their Lattices
  3. On Schur problem and Kostka numbers
  4. Multiplicities, Pictographs, and Volumes
  5. On Horn’s Problem and Its Volume Function
  6. Revisiting Horn’s problem
  7. The Horn Problem for Real Symmetric and Quaternionic Self-Dual Matrices
  8. From orbital measures to Littlewood–Richardson coefficients and hive polytopes
  9. Properties of lattices associated with SU(3) hyper-roots in higher representation theory
  10. Conjugation properties of tensor product and fusion coefficients
  11. On some properties of SU(3) fusion coefficients
  12. Maps, immersions and permutations
  13. The history of the Universe is an elliptic curve
  14. Conjugation properties of tensor product multiplicities
  15. Quantum McKay correspondence and global dimensions for fusion and module-categories associated with Lie groups
  16. Drinfeld Doubles for Finite Subgroups of SU(2) and SU(3) Lie Groups
  17. On sums of tensor and fusion multiplicities
  18. Notes on TQFT Wire Models and Coherence Equations for SU(3) Triangular Cells
  19. Exceptional quantum subgroups for the rank two Lie algebras B2 and G2
  20. Conformal embeddings and quantum graphs with self-fusion
  21. Clifford Algebras, Spinors and Fundamental Interactions: Twenty Years After
  22. Quantum Symmetries for Exceptional SU(4) Modular Invariants Associated with Conformal Embeddings
  23. On quantum symmetries of ADE graphs
  24. Quantum Symmetries in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics
  25. Classical and quantum polyhedra: A fusion graph algebra point of view
  26. Finite quantum groups in particle physics?
  27. Action of finite quantum group on the algebra of complex N×N matrices
  28. Triangular Dissections, Aperiodic Tilings, and Jones Algebras
  29. Geometry of multidimensional universes
  30. Fermionic expansion in quantum electrodynamics
  31. Quark masses and renormalization-scheme dependence in quantum chromodynamics
  32. Renormalization schemes in QED
  33. Higgs fields and superconnections