All Stories

  1. Experiencing Religion: Post-Colonial Views for Religious Education
  2. The Development and Validation of the Christian Environmentalism Scale (CES) from a Philippine Sample
  3. Student religious attitudes and global citizenship antecedents, identification, and outcomes in a Filipino sample
  4. Church-State Separation and Challenging Issues Concerning Religion
  5. Emerging Transitions in the Meaning of Religious Constructs: The Case of the Philippines
  6. Filipino College Students’ Attitudes towards Religion: An Analysis of the Underlying Factors
  7. The Young and the Sacred
  8. Configurations of student Spirituality/Religiosity: evidence from a Philippine university
  9. Gender variations in the effects of number of organizational memberships, number of social networking sites, and grade-point average on global social responsibility in Filipino university students
  10. Attitude towards technology, social media usage and grade-point average as predictors of global citizenship identification in Filipino University Students
  11. Contemporary Engagements and Challenges for Catholic Religious Education in South East Asia
  12. Peacemaking at home in the world: grounding children’s spirituality in peace
  13. Narratives of Healing in Suffering: Religious Education in Media
  14. Children’s image of God and their parents: explorations in children’s spirituality
  15. Analyzing Empirical Notions of Suffering: Advancing Youth Dialogue and Education
  16. Understanding Student Attitudes toward Bible Reading: A Philippine Experience