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  1. Antibody landscape of C57BL/6 mice cured of B78 melanoma via immunotherapy
  2. The power and promise of genetic mapping from Plasmodium falciparum crosses utilizing human liver-chimeric mice
  3. Author Correction: Immunoreactive peptide maps of SARS-CoV-2 and other human coronaviruses
  4. Immunoreactive peptide maps of SARS-CoV-2
  5. 55 Thousands of antigens are recognized in mice via endogenous antibodies after being cured of a B78 melanoma via immunotherapy
  6. Immunoreactive peptide maps of SARS-CoV-2 and other human coronaviruses
  7. Comprehensive Profiling of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Antibody Repertoire
  8. Surprising variation in the outcome of two malaria genetic crosses using humanized mice: implications for genetic mapping and malaria biology
  9. Comprehensive Profiling of Rheumatoid Arthritis Autoantibody Repertoire
  10. Antibody responses to Zika virus proteins in pregnant and non-pregnant macaques
  11. Antibody responses to Zika virus proteins in pregnant and non-pregnant macaques
  12. Prediction of fine-tuned promoter activity from DNA sequence
  13. Prediction of Fine-tuned Promoter Activity from DNA Sequence
  14. Plasmodium falciparum genetic crosses in a humanized mouse model
  15. Predicting functional and regulatory divergence of a drug resistance transporter gene in the human malaria parasite
  16. Correlation of Phenotypic Profiles Using Targeted Proteomics Identifies Mycobacterial Esx-1 Substrates
  17. Networks' characteristics are important for systems biology
  18. Inferring gene expression from ribosomal promoter sequences, a crowdsourcing approach