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  1. Online interaction across three contexts: an analysis of culture and technological affordances
  2. Accounting for ‘how we know’ about the safety/risks with hydrofracking: an intergovernmental hearing on the revised Environmental Impact Statement on whether to permit hydrofracking in New York state
  3. Communicating hydrofracking
  4. Accounting Research
  5. Public Meeting Discourse
  6. Contesting hydrofracking during an inter-governmental hearing: Accounting by reworking or challenging the question
  7. Dialogue on ‘1 Malaysia’: The uses of metadiscourse in ethnopolitical accounting
  8. Journalists’ discursive construction of public opinion on President Obama and the economy
  9. Ethnopolitical discourse among ordinary Malaysians: diverging accounts of “the good-old days” in discussing multiculturalism
  10. Protean experience in discursive analysis
  11. Citizen Participation, Metadiscourse, and Accountability: A Public Hearing on a Zoning Change for Wal-Mart
  12. Wal-Mart's presentation to the community: discursive practices in mitigating risk, limiting public discussion, and developing a relationship
  13. Drawing on the words of others at public hearings: Zoning, Wal-Mart, and the threat to the aquifer
  14. Accounts of violence from Arabs and Israelis on Nightline
  15. Therapeutic humor in retelling the clients tellings
  16. Discursive Positioning as Accounting and Dialogic Practice
  17. Discursive Constructions of Racial Boundaries and Self-Segregation on Campus
  18. Putting Prior Talk Into Context: Reported Speech and the Reporting Context
  19. Reported Speech in Talking Race on Campus
  20. Clients' and Therapist's Joint Construction of the Clients' Problems
  21. Richard Buttny, Social accountability in communication. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1993. Pp. xi, 187.
  22. The problem of communicating Zen understanding: A microanalysis of teacher-student interviews in a North American Zen monastery
  23. Blame–account sequences in therapy: The negotiation of relational meanings
  24. Legitimation techniques for intermarriage: Accounts of motives for intermarriage from U.S. servicemen and Philippine women
  25. Sequence and practical reasoning in accounts episodes
  26. The ascription of meaning: A Wittgensteinian perspective
  27. Accounts as a reconstruction of an event's context
  28. Multiple voices in talking race: Pakeha reported speech in the discursive construction of the racial other
  29. Discursive practices in talking problems during a school–family meeting