All Stories

  1. Understanding indecisiveness: Dimensionality of two self-report questionnaires and associations with depression and indecision.
  2. Negative emotion and nonacceptance of emotion in daily life.
  3. State emotional clarity and attention to emotion: a naturalistic examination of their associations with each other, affect, and context
  4. Meta-emotions in daily life: Associations with emotional awareness and depression.
  5. Understanding Emotion in Adolescents
  6. A multi-method investigation of the association between emotional clarity and empathy.
  7. Selection and implementation of emotion regulation strategies in major depressive disorder: An integrative review
  8. Are fluctuations in personality states more than fluctuations in affect?
  9. Positive and Negative Affective Forecasting in Remitted Individuals with Bipolar I Disorder, and Major Depressive Disorder, and Healthy Controls
  10. Adaptive Coping Mediates the Relation Between Mothers’ and Daughters’ Depressive Symptoms: A Moderated Mediation Study
  11. The everyday dynamics of rumination and worry: precipitant events and affective consequences
  12. Anticipatory and consummatory pleasure and displeasure in major depressive disorder: An experience sampling study.
  13. Sources of variation in emotional awareness: Age, gender, and socioeconomic status
  14. Emotional clarity as a function of neuroticism and major depressive disorder.
  15. Emotional variability and clarity in depression and social anxiety
  16. Rumination and Worry in Daily Life
  17. Facets of emotional awareness and associations with emotion regulation and depression.
  18. Emotion-Network Density in Major Depressive Disorder
  19. Children at risk for depression: Memory biases, self-schemas, and genotypic variation
  20. DeCon: A tool to detect emotional concordance in multivariate time series data of emotional responding
  21. Interoceptive awareness, positive affect, and decision making in Major Depressive Disorder
  22. Are emotional clarity and emotion differentiation related?
  23. The Role of Attention to Emotion in Recovery from Major Depressive Disorder
  24. Feeling Blue or Turquoise? Emotional Differentiation in Major Depressive Disorder
  25. Affective and physiological responses to stress in girls at elevated risk for depression
  26. Walk on the bright side: Physical activity and affect in major depressive disorder.
  27. The everyday emotional experience of adults with major depressive disorder: Examining emotional instability, inertia, and reactivity.
  28. Adaptive and Aggressive Assertiveness Scales (AAA-S)
  29. Cross-sectional and longitudinal relations between affective instability and depression
  30. Affective instability, family history of mood disorders, and neurodevelopmental disturbance.
  31. Concurrent and prospective relations between attention to emotion and affect intensity: An experience sampling study.
  32. Oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism (rs2254298) interacts with familial risk for psychopathology to predict symptoms of depression and anxiety in adolescent girls
  33. Flexible emotional responsiveness in trait resilience.
  34. Worry, Anhedonic Depression, and Emotional Styles
  35. Maladaptive coping, adaptive coping, and depressive symptoms: Variations across age and depressive state
  36. 5-HTTLPR moderates the effect of relational peer victimization on depressive symptoms in adolescent girls
  37. BDNF genotype moderates the relation between physical activity and depressive symptoms.
  38. The unique relations between emotional awareness and facets of affective instability
  39. Why is Past Depression the Best Predictor of Future Depression? Stress Generation as a Mechanism of Depression Continuity in Girls
  40. Intolerance of uncertainty: Exploring its dimensionality and associations with need for cognitive closure, psychopathology, and personality
  41. Psychological trauma and schizotypal personality disorder.
  42. Perceived threat: Exploring its association with worry and its hypothesized antecedents
  43. The relation between worrying and concerns: The importance of perceived probability and cost
  44. Shame Reactions to Everyday Dilemmas are Associated with Depressive Disorder
  45. Emotional correlates of the different dimensions of schizotypal personality disorder.