All Stories

  1. Lebensalltag und psychosoziale Gesundheit älterer Menschen mit kognitiven Beeinträchtigungen während der COVID-19-Pandemie
  2. Associations of Depressive Symptoms with Subjective Cognitive Decline in Elderly People—A Cross-Sectional Analysis from the
  3. Depression and Anxiety in Old Age during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study of Individuals at Cardiovascular Risk and the General Population
  4. Social Network and Participation in Elderly Primary Care Patients in Germany and Associations with Depressive Symptoms—A Cross-Sectional Analysis from the Study
  5. Adapting a Dementia Care Management Intervention for Regional Implementation: A Theory-Based Participatory Barrier Analysis
  6. Associations Between Low-Value Medication in Dementia and Healthcare Costs
  7. Physical Activity Determinants in Older German Adults at Increased Dementia Risk with Multimorbidity: Baseline Results of the Study
  8. Physical Activity Interventions and Their Effects on Cognitive Function in People with Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  9. Describing people with cognitive impairment and their complex treatment needs during routine care in the hospital – cross-sectional results of the intersec-CM study
  10. Correction to: Effectiveness of a digitally supported care management programme to reduce unmet needs of family caregivers of people with dementia: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial (GAIN)
  11. Effectiveness of a digitally supported care management programme to reduce unmet needs of family caregivers of people with dementia: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial (GAIN)
  12. What elements are important in current treatment and care guidelines to provide culturally sensitive care for people with a migration background and dementia? A systematic analysis
  13. Types of leisure time physical activities (LTPA) of community-dwelling persons who have been screened positive for dementia
  14. „Das muss man so nehmen.“ Eine Studie zum subjektiven Erleben der Coronapandemie älterer hilfe- und pflegebedürftiger Menschen in der Häuslichkeit
  15. Describing people with cognitive impairment and their complex treatment needs during routine care in the hospital – cross-sectional results of the intersec-CM study
  16. Intersectoral care management for older people with cognitive impairment during and after hospital stays [intersec-CM]: study protocol for a process evaluation within a randomised controlled trial
  17. Recruitment and Baseline Characteristics of Participants in the Study—A Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized Controlled Lifestyle Trial against Cognitive Decline
  18. The situation of elderly with cognitive impairment living at home during lockdown in the Corona-pandemic in Germany
  19. The situation of elderly with cognitive impairment living at home during lockdown in the Corona-pandemic in Germany
  20. The situation of elderly with cognitive impairment living at home during lockdown in the Corona-pandemic in Germany
  21. The situation of elderly with cognitive impairment living at home during lockdown in the Corona-pandemic in Germany
  22. Gesundheitsversorgung der Zukunft – Erkenntnisse und Strategie der (Demenz‑)Versorgungsforschung
  23. How is migration background considered in the treatment and care of people? A comparison of national dementia care guidelines in Europe
  24. How is migration background considered in the treatment and care of people? A comparison of national dementia care guidelines in Europe
  25. Dementia in People with a Turkish Migration Background: Experiences and Utilization of Healthcare Services
  26. The Situation of Elderly With Cognitive Impairment Living at Home During Lockdown in the Corona-pandemic in Germany
  27. Die Entwicklung der geschätzten Anzahl an Demenz erkrankter Menschen auf Kreisebene in Deutschland für 2030
  28. Erratum zu: Die Prävalenz an Demenz erkrankter Menschen in Deutschland – eine bundesweite Analyse auf Kreisebene
  29. The situation of elderly with cognitive impairment living at home during lockdown in the Corona-pandemic in Germany
  30. Acceptability and Validity of the EQ-5D in Patients Living With Dementia
  31. Comparing national dementia plans and strategies in Europe – is there a focus of care for people with dementia from a migration background?
  32. Comparing national dementia plans and strategies in Europe – Is there a focus of care for people with dementia from a migration background?
  33. Die Prävalenz an Demenz erkrankter Menschen in Deutschland – eine bundesweite Analyse auf Kreisebene
  34. Das Entlassmanagement deutscher Krankenhäuser für kognitiv beeinträchtigte, ältere Menschen – ein Scoping Review
  35. Who Benefits Most from Collaborative Dementia Care from a Patient and Payer Perspective? A Subgroup Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
  36. Why do family dementia caregivers reject caregiver support services? Analyzing types of rejection and associated health-impairments in a cluster-randomized controlled intervention trial
  37. Drug-Related Problems Increase Healthcare Costs for People Living with Dementia
  38. Supporting elderly people with cognitive impairment during and after hospital stays with intersectoral care management: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
  39. Innovation in der Diagnostik – mobile Technologien
  40. Cost-effectiveness of a collaborative dementia care management-Results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial
  41. Burden of caring for people with dementia – comparing family caregivers and professional caregivers. A descriptive study
  42. – study protocol of a pragmatic multi-center cluster-randomized controlled prevention trial against cognitive decline in older primary care patients
  43. Burden of caregivers of patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration – a scoping review
  44. Comorbidity in Dementia Diseases and Associated Health Care Resources Utilization and Cost
  45. Identifying Unmet Needs of Family Dementia Caregivers: Results of the Baseline Assessment of a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Intervention Trial
  46. How Does Utilization of Health Care Services Change in People with Dementia Served by Dementia Care Networks? Results of the Longitudinal, Observational DemNet-D-Study
  47. Prävalenz von Demenz bei Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland
  48. Quality of life in persons with dementia using regional dementia care network services in Germany: a one-year follow-up study
  49. Hippocampal Mean Diffusivity for the Diagnosis of Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Primary Care
  50. Prevalence and Determinants of Agonistic Autoantibodies Against α1-Adrenergic Receptors in Patients Screened Positive for Dementia: Results from the Population-Based DelpHi-Study
  51. Patients with Dementia in Primary Care: Who Is Referred to a Neurologist/Psychiatrist and What Patient-Oriented Factors Are Associated with the Visit?
  52. The Impact of Hospitalization on Readmission, Institutionalization, and Mortality of People with Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  53. Offene Versorgungsbedarfe pflegender Angehöriger von Menschen mit Demenz
  54. Patient Variables Associated with the Assignment of a Formal Dementia Diagnosis to Positively Screened Primary Care Patients
  55. Potential Role of Neuroimaging Markers for Early Diagnosis of Dementia in Primary Care
  56. The Clock Drawing Test: A Reasonable Instrument to Assess Probable Dementia in Primary Care?
  57. Supporting family dementia caregivers: testing the efficacy of dementia care management on multifaceted caregivers’ burden
  58. Effectiveness and Safety of Dementia Care Management in Primary Care
  59. Drug-related problems in community-dwelling primary care patients screened positive for dementia
  60. How to Initiate Dementia Care Networks? Processes, Barriers, and Facilitators During the Development Process of a Practice-Oriented Website Toolkit Out of Research Results
  61. Translation of imaging biomarkers from clinical research to healthcare
  62. Menschen mit Demenz in der primärärztlichen Versorgung
  63. Dementia care management in primary care
  64. Regional dementia care networks in Germany: changes in caregiver burden at one-year follow-up and associated factors
  65. Consequences of clinical case management for caregivers: a systematic review
  66. Healthcare utilization and costs in primary care patients with dementia: baseline results of the DelpHi-trial
  67. Technologies to Support Community-Dwelling Persons With Dementia: A Position Paper on Issues Regarding Development, Usability, Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness, Deployment, and Ethics
  68. Hippocampus and Basal Forebrain Volumetry for Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis: Could It Be Useful in Primary Care?
  69. Potentially Inappropriate Medication in Community-Dwelling Primary Care Patients who were Screened Positive for Dementia
  70. Relatives’ burden of caring for people screened positive for dementia in primary care
  71. The impact of socioeconomic factors on the efficiency of voluntary toxoplasmosis screening during pregnancy: a population-based study
  72. Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz in der Häuslichkeit
  73. Caregiver burden assessed in dementia care networks in Germany: findings from the DemNet-D study baseline
  74. Living Alone with Dementia: Prevalence, Correlates and the Utilization of Health and Nursing Care Services
  75. Community-Dwelling People Screened Positive for Dementia in Primary Care: A Comprehensive, Multivariate Descriptive Analysis Using Data from the DelpHi-Study
  76. Finanzierung von Demenznetzwerken
  77. Systematic, early identification of dementia and dementia care management are highly appreciated by general physicians in primary care – results within a cluster-randomized-controlled trial (DelpHi)
  78. Unmet Needs of Community-Dwelling Primary Care Patients with Dementia in Germany: Prevalence and Correlates
  79. Regionale Demenznetzwerke in Deutschland
  80. Knowledge management in dementia care networks: a qualitative analysis of successful information and support strategies for people with dementia living at home and their family caregivers
  81. Depressive symptoms and depression in people screened positive for dementia in primary care – results of the DelpHi-study
  82. How do people with dementia utilise primary care physicians and specialists within dementia networks? Results of the Dementia Networks in Germany (DemNet-D) study
  83. Qualifications for nurses for the care of patients with dementia and support to their caregivers: A pilot evaluation of the dementia care management curriculum
  84. Dementia: Introduction, Epidemiology and Economic Impact
  85. Role of Specialist Care in Dementia
  86. Economic Analysis of Formal Care, Informal Care, and Productivity Losses in Primary Care Patients who Screened Positive for Dementia in Germany
  87. Healthcare resource utilization and cost in dementia: are there differences between patients screened positive for dementia with and those without a formal diagnosis of dementia in primary care in Germany? – ERRATUM
  88. Multimodal imaging in Alzheimer's disease: validity and usefulness for early detection
  89. Healthcare resource utilization and cost in dementia: are there differences between patients screened positive for dementia with and those without a formal diagnosis of dementia in primary care in Germany?
  90. Subjective memory impairment: No suitable criteria for case-finding of dementia in primary care
  91. Burden of Behavioral and Psychiatric Symptoms in People Screened Positive for Dementia in Primary Care: Results of the DelpHi-Study
  92. „Aging Brain Care Program“ aus Indianapolis
  93. Antidementia drug treatment in dementia networks in Germany: use rates and factors associated with treatment use
  94. Nonpharmacological therapies and provision of aids in outpatient dementia networks in Germany: utilization rates and associated factors
  95. Rates of formal diagnosis of dementia in primary care: The effect of screening
  96. Antidementia Drug Treatment in People Screened Positive for Dementia in Primary Care
  97. Herausforderung Demenz
  98. Antipsychotic Drug Treatment in Ambulatory Dementia Care: Prevalence and Correlates
  99. Neuropsychiatric symptoms in people screened positive for dementia in primary care
  100. Medication Cost of Persons with Dementia in Primary Care in Germany
  101. Rates of Formal Diagnosis in People Screened Positive for Dementia in Primary Care: Results of the DelpHi-Trial
  102. Does an Interdisciplinary Network Improve Dementia Care? Results from the IDemUck-Study
  103. The benefits of implementing a computerized Intervention-Management-System (IMS) on delivering integrated dementia care in the primary care setting
  104. GeKoKidS – Gesundheitskompetenz bei Kindern in der Schule
  105. Chronic diseases in pregnant women: prevalence and birth outcomes based on the SNiP-study
  106. Medication management for people with dementia in primary care: description of implementation in the DelpHi study
  107. Dementia care management: going new ways in ambulant dementia care within a GP-based randomized controlled intervention trial
  108. Interventions into the care system for dementia
  109. Dementia Care and General Physicians - a Survey on Prevalence, Means, Attitudes and Recommendations
  110. Life- and person-centred help in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany (DelpHi): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
  111. Cognitive impairment in primary ambulatory health care: pharmacotherapy and the use of potentially inappropriate medicine
  112. Frequency and determinants of potential drug-drug interactions in an elderly population receiving regular home visits by GPs - results of the home medication review in the AGnES-studies
  113. Implementation and evaluation of the population-based programme "health literacy in school-aged children" (GeKoKidS)
  114. Development and Psychometric Properties of a Short Situational Urge to Smoke Scale (SUS) for Smoking Adolescents
  115. Situational Urge to Smoke Scale
  116. Changing maternity leave policy: Short-term effects on fertility rates and demographic variables in Germany
  117. A descriptive analysis of relations between parents' self-reported smoking behavior and infants' daily exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
  118. The Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Attitudes Towards Tobacco Control Measures - A Comparison of 5 European Countries
  119. Predicting the Urge to Smoke in a Population-Based Sample of Adolescent Smokers
  120. Population-based smoking cessation in women post partum: adherence to motivational interviewing in relation to client characteristics and behavioural outcomes
  121. Health-related behaviour, knowledge, attitudes, communication and social status in school children in Eastern Germany
  122. Survey of Neonates in Pomerania (SNiP): a population-based birth study - objectives, design and population coverage
  123. Soziodemografie von Erstgebärenden und Mehrfachgebärenden in einer bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Erhebung – Ergebnisse des Survey of Neonates in Pomerania (SNiP)
  124. Support for smoke-free policies in a pro-smoking culture: findings from the European survey on tobacco control attitudes and knowledge
  125. Naturalistic changes in the readiness of postpartum women to quit smoking
  126. Intention to change smoking in pregnant and postpartum women according to number of pregnancies
  127. Smoking Cessation Counselling for Pregnant and Postpartum Women among Midwives, Gynaecologists and Paediatricians in Germany
  128. Smoking cessation and relapse prevention for postpartum women: Results from a randomized controlled trial at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months
  129. Smoking policies in hospitals before the non-smoker protection law in Germany
  130. Kontinuierliche individuelle Förderung der Rauchabstinenz bei sozial benachteiligten jungen Erwachsenen über das Handy – Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie
  131. Interventionen gegen das Tabakrauchen in der Schwangerschaft und post partum. Modalitäten, Wirksamkeit, Einführung in die Motivierende Gesprächsführung und sozial-kognitive Modelle zur Verhaltensänderung
  132. Postpartum Smoking Cessation and Relapse Prevention Intervention: A Structural Equation Modeling Application to Behavioral and Non-behavioral Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial
  133. Smoking During Pregnancy and Postpartum: Smoking Rates and Intention to Quit Smoking or Resume After Pregnancy
  134. Prävalenz des Rauchens vor und während der Schwangerschaft - populationsbasierte Daten
  135. Multiple health risk behaviors in German first year university students
  136. Neue Interventionsansätze zur Sekundärprävention alkoholbezogener Störungen im Allgemeinkrankenhaus
  137. The relationship between smokers' motivation to quit and intensity of tobacco control at the population level: a comparison of five European countries
  138. Leistungen, mediierende Faktoren und Outcomes der Prävention tabakrauch- oder alkoholbezogener Erkrankungen
  139. Nutzung neuer Technologien zur bevölkerungswirksamen Prävention riskanten Alkoholkonsums
  140. Bevölkerungswirksamkeit von Prävention
  141. Adherence to the principles of Motivational Interviewing, clients' characteristics and behavior outcome in a smoking cessation and relapse prevention trial in women postpartum
  142. Welchen Umgang mit dem Thema Rauchen wünschen sich schwangere Frauen in der medizinischen Versorgung?
  143. Population impact—Definition, calculation and its use in prevention science in the example of tobacco smoking reduction
  144. Verbesserung der medizinischen Versorgung durch die Förderung der Intention zur Änderung gesundheitsriskanten Verhaltens
  145. Postpartum return to smoking: Identifying different groups to tailor interventions
  146. Supporting the intention to change health risk behaviors
  147. Warum Frauen nach der Geburt ihres Kindes wieder mit dem Rauchen anfangen
  148. Midwives’ attitudes to counselling women about their smoking behaviour during pregnancy and postpartum
  149. Post-partum intention to resume smoking
  150. An Intervention to Support Postpartum Women to Quit Smoking or Remain Smoke-Free
  151. Das Rauchverhalten von Jugendlichen im Vergleich von bevölkerungsrepräsentativ, regional oder selektiv erhobenen Daten und Implikationen für die Prävention
  152. Measuring Activities in Tobacco Control Questionnaire
  153. Validity of overweight and obesity in a nation based on self-report versus measurement device data
  154. Attitudes towards smoking policies and tobacco control measures in relation to smoking status and smoking behaviour
  155. Smoking status, cigarettes per day, and their relationship to overweight and obesity among former and current smokers in a national adult general population sample
  156. Rauchen vor, während und nach der Geburt: längsschnittliche Daten einer Bevölkerungsstichprobe
  157. Tabakrauchexposition in der Wohnung und stationäre Behandlungen von Kindern unter 5 Jahren in Deutschland
  158. Comparison of a Population-Based Sample of “Risky Drinking” Smokers and Groups Consuming Just One Substance
  159. Interventionen zur Prävention gesundheitlicher Risiken durch Tabakrauch für Schwangere, Frauen post partum und deren Kinder
  160. Bereitschaft von Frauen, nach der Geburt ihres Kindes an einer individuellen Beratung zum Rauchen teilzunehmen
  161. Short report: Paediatricians' attitude towards counselling parents postpartum about their smoking behaviour
  162. Verhaltensspezifische Determinanten der Veränderungsmotivation bei multiplem Risikoverhalten
  165. Prävention von Gesundheitsstörungen aufgrund von Tabakrauchen und Alkoholkonsum – der Beitrag zur Gesundheitsversorgung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Transtheoretischen Modells der Verhaltensänderung