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  1. The relative effect of behaviour in larval dispersal in a low energy embayment
  2. An adaptable toolkit to assess commercial fishery costs and benefits related to marine protected area network design
  3. Fine-Scale Distribution and Spatial Variability of Benthic Invertebrate Larvae in an Open Coastal Embayment in Nova Scotia, Canada
  4. Effects of temperature on larval swimming patterns regulate vertical distribution relative to thermoclines in Asterias rubens
  5. Modeling of the larval response of green sea urchins to thermal stratification using a random walk approach
  6. Predation of larval benthic invertebrates in St George’s Bay, Nova Scotia
  7. Vertical distribution of marine invertebrate larvae in response to thermal stratification in the laboratory
  8. Changes in vertical distribution and aggregative behaviour in response to population density for larval sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) and sea stars (Asterias rubens)
  9. Ecological interactions between the vase tunicate (Ciona intestinalis) and the farmed blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) in Nova Scotia, Canada