All Stories

  1. Shared decision making between providers and older adults to improve brain health
  2. A mixed analysis approach to elucidate the multiple chronic condition experience of English- and Spanish-speaking older adults
  3. A qualitative study examining health literacy and chronic illness self-management in Hispanic and non-Hispanic older adults
  4. A pilot study of cognitive training with and without transcranial direct current stimulation to improve cognition in older persons with HIV-related cognitive impairment
  5. Development and initial validation of a computer-administered health literacy assessment in Spanish and English: FLIGHT/VIDAS
  6. Baseline medication adherence and response to an electronically delivered health literacy intervention targeting adherence
  7. Depression care and prevalence in HIV-positive individuals
  8. New approaches in the treatment of short term and middle of the night insomnia: emerging evidence for a role for sublingual zolpidem tablets