All Stories

  1. Organelle-dependent polyprotein designs enable stoichiometric expression of nitrogen fixation components targeted to mitochondria
  2. Alanine synthesized by alanine dehydrogenase enables ammonium-tolerant nitrogen fixation in Paenibacillus sabinae T27
  3. Interactions between paralogous bacterial enhancer‐binding proteins enable metal‐dependent regulation of alternative nitrogenases in Azotobacter vinelandii
  4. Disrupting hierarchical control of nitrogen fixation enables carbon-dependent regulation of ammonia excretion in soil diazotrophs
  5. Using synthetic biology to overcome barriers to stable expression of nitrogenase in eukaryotic organelles
  6. John Raymond Postgate FIBiol. 24 June 1922 — 22 October 2014
  7. Deciphering the Principles of Bacterial Nitrogen Dietary Preferences: a Strategy for Nutrient Containment
  8. The Emergence of 2-Oxoglutarate as a Master Regulator Metabolite