All Stories

  1. Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow
  2. Complications in reverse shoulder arthroplasty
  3. Management of Elbow Trauma
  4. Enfermedad acromioclavicular en el paciente joven
  5. Shoulder Surgery in Hemophilia
  6. Surgery of the Elbow in Hemophilia
  7. Application of adipose tissue-derived stem cells in a rat rotator cuff repair model
  8. El tratamiento quirúrgico de las roturas de bíceps distal mediante técnica Endo-Button asociada a tornillo interferencial permite un programa de rehabilitación acelerado: caso clínico
  9. Essentials In Elbow Surgery
  10. Lateral Elbow Pain
  11. Complex Distal Humerus Fractures
  12. Fracture-Dislocations of the Elbow
  13. Complex Fractures of the Proximal Humerus
  14. Applied Anatomy and Surgical Approaches to the Elbow
  15. Surgical Anatomy, Approaches and Biomechanics of the Elbow
  16. Supracondylar fractures in children
  17. Elbow instability secondary to lateral epicondylar nounion in an adult
  18. Surgical Approaches to the Elbow
  19. Componente acetabular monobloque de tantalio. Seguimiento a largo plazo
  20. Long-term follow-up of tantalum monoblock acetabular component
  21. Elbow Injuries
  22. Rigidez de codo postraumática
  23. Anatomic Study of the Abductor Pollicis Longus: A Source for Grafting Material of the Hand
  24. Seudartrosis del escafoides del carpo. Consideraciones terapéuticas
  25. Pseudoarthrosis of the carpal scaphoid. Therapeutic considerations