All Stories

  1. How does exogenous alerting impact endogenous preparation on a temporal cueing task
  2. Visual search and the inhibitions of return
  3. Individual differences in working memory capacity and visual search while reading
  4. Champ versus Chump: Viewing an Opponent’s Face Engages Attention but Not Reward Systems
  5. Inhibition of return: An information processing theory of its natures and significance
  6. On the selection of endogenous and exogenous signals
  7. Task-dependent effects of volitional visuospatial orienting on perception
  8. Oculomotor inhibition of return: Evidence against object-centered representation
  9. Dissociating two forms of inhibition of return using temporal order judgments
  10. The independence of endogenous and exogenous temporal attention
  11. Safe or out: Does the location of attention affect judgments at first base in baseball?
  12. Further evidence in favor of prior entry from endogenous attention to a location in space
  13. The effect of scene removal on inhibition of return in a cue-target task
  14. Peripheral stimuli generate different forms of inhibition of return when participants make prosaccades versus antisaccades to them
  15. When caused by an eye movement inhibition of return's effect is post-perceptual: Evidence from SAT functions
  16. Two “Inhibitions of Return” Bias Orienting Differently