All Stories

  1. Symptom Burden and Factors Associated with Acute Respiratory Infections in the First Two Years of Life—Results from the LoewenKIDS Cohort
  2. Accuracy of sonographic fetal weight estimation: influence of the scan-to-delivery interval in combination with the applied weight estimation formula
  3. Cytokines in noninvasively obtained amniotic fluid as predictors of fetal inflammatory response syndrome
  4. 37-jährige Schwangere mit Luftnot und wechselnden EKG-Veränderungen
  5. 37-jährige Schwangere mit Luftnot und wechselnden EKG-Veränderungen
  6. Soziale Vorsorge und allgemeine Beratung in der Schwangerschaft
  7. Measurement of amniotic fluid steroids of midgestation via LC–MS/MS
  8. Geburtshilfe. Steigende Sectioraten – Risiko oder Segen?
  9. Eine neue Gewichtsschätzungsformel für Feten mit Zwerchfelldefekten
  10. Differential effects of low birthweight and intrauterine growth restriction on umbilical cord blood insulin-like growth factor concentrations
  11. The placental mTOR-pathway: correlation with early growth trajectories following intrauterine growth restriction?
  12. Intrapartum sonographic weight estimation
  13. Interinstitutional variations in mode of birth after a previous caesarean section: a cross-sectional study in six German hospitals
  14. Schwangerschaftsvorsorge
  15. Sonographic weight estimation in fetal macrosomia: influence of the time interval between estimation and delivery
  16. Geburtshilfe. Vaginale Entbindung nach ein- oder mehrmaliger Sectio – ist das möglich und erlaubt?
  17. Sonografische Gewichtsschätzung bei Feten mit Zwerchfelldefekten
  18. Sonographic Weight Estimation in Small-for-Gestational-Age Fetuses
  19. A New Sonographic Weight Estimation Formula for Fetuses with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
  20. Comparison of Obstetric Efficacy and Safety of the Kiwi OmniCup with Conventional Vacuum Extraction
  21. 17α-Hydroxylase Deficiency Diagnosed in Early Infancy Caused by a Novel Mutation of the CYP17A1 Gene
  22. Sheehan Syndrom
  23. PlGF: Voraussagewert für den Entbindungszeitpunkt bei Präeklampsie
  24. Postpartale Eklampsie – ungewöhnlich? – Ein Case Report
  25. Geburtsrisiken differenziert nach Gestationsalter und Entbindungsmodus
  26. A new formula for optimized weight estimation in extreme fetal macrosomia (≥4500 g)
  27. Sonographic weight estimation in fetuses with breech presentation.
  28. Neuerungen im Mutterpass und pränatalen Ultraschallscreening
  29. PlGF: Voraussagewert für den Entbindungszeitpunkt bei Präeklampsie
  30. PP052. Diagnosis of pre-eclampsia and prediction of time to delivery in women with suspected pre-eclampsia presenting before 36 weeks’ gestation
  31. DNA methylation of the p66Shc promoter is decreased in placental tissue from women delivering intrauterine growth restricted neonates
  32. Large-for-gestational-age-Feten
  33. Schwangerenvorsorge
  34. Sonographic weight estimation in fetuses with breech presentation
  35. Sonographic Weight Estimation in Fetuses with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
  36. P29.02: Sonographic weight estimation in fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia
  37. A New Formula for Optimized Weight Estimation in Extreme Fetal Macrosomia (≥ 4500 g)
  38. Cullin 7 and Fbxw 8 expression in trophoblastic cells is regulated via oxygen tension: implications for intrauterine growth restriction?
  39. Regulation of the human endogenous retroviral Syncytin-1 and cell-cell fusion by the nuclear hormone receptors PPARγ/RXRα in placentogenesis
  40. What are the limits of accuracy in fetal weight estimation with conventional biometry in two-dimensional ultrasound? A novel postpartum study
  41. Sex-specific differences in the concentration of tubular parameters in the amniotic fluid of second trimester fetuses
  42. 3D imaging of the fetal face - Recommendations from the International 3D Focus Group
  43. Perniziöse Anämie in der Schwangerschaft - ein Fallbericht
  44. Fetal Weight Estimation in Extreme Macrosomia (≥ 4,500 g): Comparison of 10 Formulas
  45. Evidenz in der Mutterschaftsvorsorge – bei unauffälliger Schwangerschaft
  46. OP12.02: Fetal weight estimation in extreme macrosomia (≥ 4.500 g): comparison of 10 different formulas
  47. P14.06: Extreme macrosomia (> 4.500 g): a new formula for optimized fetal weight estimation
  48. New Sonographic Method for Fetuses with Small Abdominal Circumference Improves Fetal Weight Estimation
  49. Dexamethasone stimulates the expression of leptin and 11β-HSD2 in primary human placental trophoblastic cells
  50. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is associated with increased leptin synthesis and binding capability in neonates
  51. New Sonographic Method for Fetuses with a Large Abdominal Circumference Improves Fetal Weight Estimation
  52. OP38.02: Association between birth weight and second trimester 3D placental volumetry, intraplacental vascularization and amniotic fluid cytokines
  53. OC24.05: Increased concentration of tubular parameters in the amniotic fluid of male fetuses in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy
  54. OP10.06: Influence of second trimester placental volume, shell volume and intraplacental circulation on birth weight
  55. Reply
  56. Differences in gene expression dependent on sampling site in placental tissue of fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction
  57. Microarray analysis of placental tissue in intrauterine growth restriction
  58. Do Specific Weight Formulas for Fetuses ≤ 1500 g Really Improve Weight Estimation?
  59. Placental and Fetal Endocrine Systems Depend on the Cause of Low Birth Weight
  60. Macrosomia: a new formula for optimized fetal weight estimation
  61. OC16.01: Correlation between second trimester 3D-placental volumetry and vascularization, cytokines in the amniotic fluid and fetal weight at birth
  62. OP10.06: First trimester 3D-placental volumetry is a good predictor of both low and high birth weight
  63. OP27.04: New sonographic weight formulae for different ranges of fetal abdominal circumference
  64. Erhöhtes Thyreoideastimulierendes Hormon (TSH) ist assoziiert mit Insulinresistenz unabhängig von Bodymass Index und Lebensalter bei Frauen mit polyzystischem Ovarsyndrom (PCOS)
  65. Thyroid-stimulating hormone is associated with insulin resistance independently of body mass index and age in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
  66. Examination of a first-trimester Down syndrome screening concept on a mix of 11,107 high- and low-risk patients at a private center for prenatal medicine in Germany
  67. Placental 11β-HSD2 Gene Expression at Birth Is Inversely Correlated With Growth Velocity in the First Year of Life After Intrauterine Growth Restriction
  68. Fetal nutritional status: diagnosis and future perspectives
  69. Maternaler hypoxischer Hirnschaden am Ende des 1. Trimenons – Ethische Entscheidungen und Verlauf über 22 Schwangerschaftswochen
  70. Kongenitale Herzfehler – Teil 2
  71. Evidenzlage des Anamnesekatalogs im deutschen Mutterpass
  72. A New Sonographic Weight Formula for Fetuses ≤ 2500 g
  73. Gene expression of placental hormones regulating energy balance in small for gestational age neonates
  74. Kongenitale Herzfehler – Teil 1
  75. Massive Fetomaternal Hemorrhage and Severe Anemia in the Newborn – Two Case Reports
  76. Macrosomia – a new formula for optimized fetal weight estimation
  77. Arteriovenöse Malformation des Uterus–Fallbericht
  78. Saisonale Häufung der fetalen Gastroschisis
  79. Ultraschall im 1. Trimenon
  80. Placental volume measurement by 3D-ultrasound in the first trimester and prediction of fetal growth
  81. Gewichtsschätzung kleiner Feten mittels einer neuen 3D- Formel
  82. Prä- und postpartale Depressivität – Erste Erkenntnisse aus FRAMES
  83. Vergleich der Zufriedenheit von Schwangeren mit PDA oder PCEA unter der Geburt am Erlanger Kollektiv (n=2200)
  84. How Good is Fetal Weight Estimation Using Volumetric Methods?
  85. Ultraschallgestützte fetale Gewichtsschätzung: wie wichtig ist der fetale Bauchumfang?
  86. Weight estimation by three-dimensional ultrasound imaging in the small fetus
  87. Vergleich von volumetrischen Methoden und Regressionsformeln zur fetalen Gewichtsschätzung mittels Ultraschall
  88. Saisonale Häufigkeit der fetalen Gastroschisis
  89. Can the afterbirth play a role after birth?
  90. Fetal Weight Estimation by Ultrasound: Comparison of 11 Different Formulae and Examiners with Differing Skill Levels
  91. Leptin Expression in Primary Trophoblast Cells in Response to Incubation with the Serum of Preeclamptic Women
  92. Gender-Specific Weight Estimation of Fetuses between 2,501 and 3,999 g – New Regression Formulae
  93. Increased Accuracy of Fetal Weight Estimation with a Gender-Specific Weight Formula
  94. Die Schwangerenvorsorge im Normalkollektiv - was ist evidenzbasiert?
  95. Three-dimensional power Doppler sonography of the (sub)endometrium and angiogenic cytokine concentrations
  96. Specific weight formula for fetuses with abdominal wall defects
  97. Intrauterin use of hyperconcentrated platelet concentrates collected with Trima Accel in a case of neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
  98. Differential gene expression of somatotrophic and growth factors in response to in vivo hypoxia in human placenta
  99. Fetal Adrenal Haemorrhage – Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Imaging
  100. OP08.11: Placental volume measurement by 3D ultrasound in the first trimester and prediction of fetal growth restriction
  101. P34.02: Macrosomia: a new formula for optimized fetal weight estimation
  102. P34.03: New formulae for estimating fetal weight for specific birth weight groups
  103. OP08.07: New specific ultrasound-based weight formula for fetuses with abdominal wall defects
  104. Intrauterine use of hyperconcentrated platelet concentrates collected with Trima Accel in a case of neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
  105. Evidenzbasierte Schwangerenvorsorge im Normalkollektiv
  106. Simultaneously reduced gene expression of cortisol-activating and cortisol-inactivating enzymes in placentas of small-for-gestational-age neonates
  107. Makrosomie – eine neue Formel zur optimierten Gewichtsschätzung
  108. Neuralrohrdefekte
  109. Steißbeinteratom
  110. Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte - eine komplexe Fehlbildung von interdisziplinärer Bedeutung
  111. Impaired cytotrophoblast cell–cell fusion is associated with reduced Syncytin and increased apoptosis in patients with placental dysfunction
  112. Pränatale Diagnose der fetomaternalen Transfusion
  113. Three-dimensional volumetry and fetal weight measurement
  114. Prädiktion von IUGR durch 3D-Plazentavolumetrie im 1. Trimenon
  115. Fehldiagnose einer genitalen Bilharziose als Tubenkarzinom
  116. Die Parvovirus B19-Infektion während der Schwangerschaft
  117. Proliferation and cell–cell fusion of endometrial carcinoma are induced by the human endogenous retroviral Syncytin-1 and regulated by TGF-β
  118. Toxoplasmose und Schwangerschaft
  119. Borrelieninfektion in der Schwangerschaft
  120. Fallbericht Geburtshilfe. Cerclage und totaler Muttermundverschluss
  121. OC106: Are VEGF concentration and 2D/3D (Doppler) sonography of the ovaries correlated with IVF outcome?
  122. OP08.10: Weight estimation in fetal macrosomia
  123. OP07.05: Early uterine artery Doppler and maternal biochemical markers as a screening test for pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction in pregnancies at risk
  124. OP09.10: Weight estimation by three-dimensional ultrasound in the fetus of less than 1.600 g
  125. Response to the comment of Dr. Reinheimer on the article “The extracorporeal perfusion of the swine uterus as an experimental model: The effect of tocolytic drugs”
  126. The extracorporeal perfusion of the swine uterus as an experimental model: The effect of tocolytic drugs
  127. Hypernatremia in twin lambs is a time-limited phenomenon and correlates with rapid catch-up growth
  128. P10.01: A new three dimensional (3D) ultrasound formula to optimize weight estimation in the small fetus remote from term
  129. Increased uterine arterial pressure and contractility of perfused swine uterus after treatment with serum from pre-eclamptic women and endothelin-1
  130. Entscheidungsfindung bei späten Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen
  131. 3D‐Sonographie in der Gynäkologie
  132. Geburtshilfe. Präeklampsie und Evidence based Medicine (EbM)
  133. Analgesie von schmerzhaften Nachwehen mittels transkutaner elektrischer Nervenstimulation (TENS) vs. Metamizol
  134. 3D-Sonographie in der pränatalen Diagnostik
  135. Placental defence is considered sufficient to control lipid peroxidation in pregnancy
  136. Hörscreening - sinnvolle Ergänzung des Neugeborenen-Screenings
  137. Pränatale Diagnose der Holoprosenzephalie durch 2D- und 3D-Ultraschall: Darstellung von 6 Fällen
  138. Analgesie von schmerzhaften Nachwehen mittels transkutaner elektrischer Nervenstimulation (TENS) vs. Placebo-TENS
  139. Welchen Einfluss haben Klinikstrukturen auf die Geburtshilfe in Deutschland?
  140. Ist die Rate an postpartalen Depressionen nach Wunschsectio erhöht?
  141. Früherkennung von Risikoschwangerschaften durch Uterina-Doppler-Screening in Kombination mit maternalem Hb-/HkT-Wert und BMI im 1. Trimenon
  142. A new formula for calculating weight in the fetus of ≤ 1600 g
  143. Outcomes of children at 2 years after planned cesarean birth versus planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term: The international randomized Term Breech Trial
  144. P05.11: A new three dimensional (3D) ultrasound formula for calculating weight in the small fetus
  145. P04.23: Correlation between three-dimensional power Doppler sonography of the (sub-)endometrium and angiogenic peptides at the time of oocyte aspiration
  146. Geburtshilfliches Management bei Patientinnen mit primärem Antiphospholipid-Syndrom (APS) - Literaturübersicht und Fallbeispiel
  147. Sex-specific fetal weight prediction by ultrasound
  148. Three-dimensional ultrasound of a massive fetal lymphangioma involving the lower extremity
  149. Three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound of the subendometrial blood flow under the administration of a contrast agent (Levovist)
  150. Leptin, VEGF, IGF-1, and IGFBP-3 concentrations in serum and follicular fluid of women undergoing in vitro fertilization
  151. Three-dimensional sonographic evaluation of the fetal lumbar spinal canal
  152. Outcomes at 3 Months After Planned Cesarean vs Planned Vaginal Delivery for Breech Presentation at TermThe International Randomized Term Breech Trial
  153. The Activity of PPARγ in Primary Human Trophoblasts Is Enhanced by Oxidized Lipids
  154. The Activity of PPAR  in Primary Human Trophoblasts Is Enhanced by Oxidized Lipids
  155. 655 Middle cerebral artery flow velocity alterations before and immediately after fetal intravascular transfusion
  156. 119 Outcomes at 3 months postpartum for women enrolled in the multicentre international term breech trial of planned caesarean section and planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term
  157. Three-dimensional ultrasonography in the diagnosis of rotator cuff lesions
  158. The role of ovarian volume in an in vitro fertilization programme as assessed by 3D ultrasound
  159. The role of three-dimensional ultrasound in obstetrics
  160. Intrauterine Herpes-Simplex-Virus-Infektion
  161. Endometrial receptivity in an in vitro fertilization program as assessed by spiral artery blood flow, endometrial thickness, endometrial volume, and uterine artery blood flow
  162. Histomorphologie versus dreidimensionale Sonomorphologie der Rotatorenmanschette
  163. Concentrations of Thrombopoietin and Interleukin-11 in the Umbilical Cord Blood of Patients with Fetal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia
  164. WS03-04Three-dimentional-ultrasound in IVF cycles
  165. WS14-04Improved fetal weight estimation by three-dimensional ultrasound
  166. Fetal weight estimation by three-dimensional ultrasound
  167. The size of the fetal thoracolumbar spine: a three-dimensional ultrasound study
  168. Planned caesarean section versus planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term: a randomised multicentre trial
  169. Die dreidimensionale Ultraschalluntersuchung der Rotatorenmanschette - Erste Ergebnisse in der klinischen Anwendung -
  170. Diagnosis of a fetal mesoblastic nephroma by 3D-ultrasound
  171. The three-dimensional ultrasound evaluation of the rotator cuff — an experimental study
  172. Sonografische Prognosekriterien für eine Implantation nach In-vitro-Fertilisation und Embryotransfer
  173. Quantitative assessment of subendometrial blood flow by three-dimensional-ultrasound is an important predictive factor of implantation in an in-vitro fertilization programme
  174. Prenatal diagnosis of congenital parvovirus B19 infection: value of serological and PCR techniques in maternal and fetal serum
  175. Prenatal diagnosis of congenital parvovirus B19 infection: value of serological and PCR techniques in maternal and fetal serum
  176. The fetal spinal canal—a three-dimensional study
  177. Ungewöhnlicher Befund eines Ovarialtumors
  178. Perinatal management of fetal hemolytic disease due to Rh incompatibility combined with fetal alloimmune thrombocytopenia due to HPA-5b incompatibility
  179. Three-dimensional endometrial volume calculation and pregnancy rate in an in-vitro fertilization programme
  180. Fetal lumbar spine volumetry by three-dimensional ultrasound
  181. Intrauterine management of fetal parvovirus B19 infection
  182. Kann die 3D-Volumetrie von fetalem Oberarm und Oberschenkel konventionelle 2D-Gewichtsschätzungen verbessern?
  184. Triplet pregnancy with acardius acranius after preimplantation diagnosis
  185. Prenatal diagnosis of a fetal mediastinal teratoma
  186. Hereditary thrombophilia in a family with three independent protein S and C mutations. A cause of adverse perinatal outcome
  187. Zerebrale MRT bei Präeklampsie und Eklampsie
  188. Small bowel atresia: antenatal intestinal vascular accident or parvovirus B19 infection?
  189. Parvovirus B19 Infection in Pregnancy
  190. Polyhydramnios: an association with congenital myotonic dystrophy
  191. Fetal Parvovirus B19 Infection and Meconium Peritonitis
  192. Acquired postpartum factor VIII deficiency: a cause of severe postpartum complications
  193. Pränatale Diagnostik einer Struma ovarii im ersten Trimenon
  194. Antenatal sonographic diagnosis of thanatophoric dysplasia: a report of three cases and a review of the literature with special emphasis on the differential diagnosis
  195. Colour Doppler sonography improves the pre-operative diagnosis of ovarian tumours made using conventional transvaginal sonography
  196. Primärer Hyperparathyreoidismus im dritten Schwangerschaftstrimenon
  197. Stellenwert der fraktionierten Abrasio und der Portio-, Endozervikalzytologie in der Diagnostik des Endometriumkarzinoms
  198. Die dopplersonographische Differenzierung von benignen und malignen Mammatumoren
  199. Schwangerenvorsorge