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  1. Magnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation of Softening of Cold Rolled Low Carbon IF Steel
  2. Assessment of recovery and recrystallisation behaviours of cold rolled IF steel through non-destructive electromagnetic characterisation
  3. Evaluation of post-weld heat treatment behavior in modified 9Cr–1Mo steel weldment by magnetic Barkhausen emission
  4. Damage evaluation of fossil fuelled power plant boiler tubes through magnetic Barkhausen technique
  5. Recrystallization Behavior of Commercial Purity Aluminium Alloys
  6. Development of high strength stainless steel brazed joints using rapidly solidified filler alloys
  7. Optimization of process parameters for developing FeCoSiB amorphous microwires through in-rotating-water quenching technique
  8. Effect of P addition on nanocrystallization and high temperature magnetic properties of low B and Nb containing FeCo nanocomposites
  9. Curie temperature behaviour at relaxation and nanocrystallization of Finemet alloys
  10. Evaluation of tempering behaviour in modified 9Cr–1Mo steel by magnetic non-destructive techniques
  11. Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties during annealing of cold-rolled AA8011 alloy