All Stories

  1. Marketing Communications in the Era of Digital Transformation
  2. Framing a Regional Spatial Development Perspective: The Relation between Health and Regional Performance
  3. Digital Transformation of a Country’s Image: The Case of the Astana International Finance Centre in Kazakhstan
  4. International Migration Drivers: Economic, Environmental, Social, and Political Effects
  5. Redefining global citizenship education: a case study of Kazakhstan
  6. Engaging in the internationalization of education and SDGs: Case study on the global hub of UNAI on sustainability
  7. Digital Transformation of Organizational Culture under Conditions of the Information Economy
  8. Education for sustainable development and ict: The case of mdp program at al-farabi kaznu
  9. The New Media Development in Kazakhstan; Konvergentnaya zhurnalistika; Mediinaya i informatsionnaya gramotnost': kontseptual'nye i metodologicheskie osnovaniya
  10. Upravlenie vysshim obrazovaniem i naukoi: opyt, problemy, perspektivy; Vysshee yuridicheskoe obrazovanie v Kazakhstane v 21 veke: reformy, problemy i perspektivy; Sistema vysshego technicheskogo obrazovaniya Kazakhstana: dvizhenie po spirali
  11. Book Review: The Public Relations of Everything: The Ancient, Modern and Postmodern Dramatic History of an Idea (Routledge New Directions in Public Relations and Communication Research) by Robert E. BrownThe Public Relations of Everything: The Ancient,...
  12. Book Review: Visual Culture and Public Policy: Towards a Visual Polity? by Victor Bekkers and Rebecca MoodyVisual Culture and Public Policy: Towards a Visual Polity?BekkersVictorMoodyRebecca. London and New York: Routledge, 2015. 242 pp. $140 hbk.
  13. Politicheskaya mysl suverennogo Kazakhstana: dinamika, idei, otsenki
  14. Erratum
  15. Book Review: Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, and Individualism in Modern China: The Chenbao Fukan and the New Culture Era, 1918-1929, by Xiaoqun Xu
  16. Vizual'nyi arkhetip
  17. Kazakhskoie igrovoie kino: Ekranno-follornie traditsii i obraz geroia
  19. Book Review: Culture and the Media, by Paul Bowman
  20. Book Review: Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice, by Nick Couldry
  21. Yelena Burova and Anatoli Kosichenko,Aktual’nyye problemy religioznoi situatsii v Respublike Kazakhstan[Current issues in the religious situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan]
  22. Ethnic Minorities of Central and Eastern Europe in the Internet Space. A Computer-Assisted Content Analysis
  23. Book Review: Beyond Globalization: Making New Worlds in Media, Art, and Social Practice, edited by A. Aneesh, Lane Hall, and Patrice Petro
  24. Book Review: The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media, by José Van Dijck
  25. Kazakh Oneri: 5 Tomdyk
  26. Megabits Versus Wahhabits: Kazakhstan's Policy on Islamic Content on the Internet
  27. Intellektual'nyi kapital-osnova razvitiya obchestva znaniya and Ot intellektual'noi natsii-k intellektualnomu potentsialu
  28. Na perekrestke kommunikatsyi: zhurnalistika, media Kazakhstana; Novie media v mire i Kazakhstane
  29. Ideologicheskoe konstruirovanie v Respublike Kazakhstan
  30. Sistemnaya modernizatsia: instituty, upravlenie i scenarii and Regionalnaya integratsia i imperativy innovatsionnogo razvitia Kyrgyzstana
  31. Book Review: Poles Apart: The International Reporting of Climate Scepticism, by James Painter
  32. Book Review: iPolitics: Citizens, Elections, and Governing in the New Media Era, by Richard L. Fox and Jennifer M. Ramos
  33. Ideia nezavisimosti v izobrazitelnom iskusstve Kazakhstana
  34. Tsentral'naya Aziya segodnya: vizovi i ugrozy/Tsentral'naya Aziya v zarubezhnoi politologii i mirovoi geopolitike. Tom IV. Geopolitika XXI veka
  35. Istoriya obshestvenno-kyltyrnogo reformatorstva na Kavkaze i v Tsentralnoi Azii (XIX -nachalo XX veka) [History of social and cultural reformation in the Caucasus and Central Asia (XIX – start of XX century)]
  36. Strategia protsvetania strani v usloviyakh meniauchegosia mira. Uroki mirovogo krizisa I modernizatsia Kazakhstanskoi ekonomiki
  37. Every Nation for Itself: Winners and Losers in a G-Zero World by Ian Bremmer
  38. Book Review: Public Relations in Global Cultural Contexts: Multi-Paradigmatic Perspectives, edited by Nilanjana Bardhan and C. Kay Weaver
  39. Book Review: Show Me the Money: Writing Business and Economics Stories for Mass Communication 2nd Ed by Chris Roush
  40. Rio+20: Discussing Environmental Issues Online in Kazakhstan
  41. Kremlin Tunes Its Foreign Policy: Will Putin's New Russia Reconfigure Its Policy Toward China and Central Asia?
  42. Teuelsizdik kezenindegi kazak opera teatri
  43. Zolotaia Zhila: Ocherki o folklore i duhovnoi kulture Kazakhstana [Golden vein: essays on the folklore and spiritual culture of Kazakhstan]
  44. Observing the Global Financial Crisis From the Developing World: The Case of Kazakhstan ( in English; in Kazakh; in Russian)
  45. The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of Central Asia. By Rafis Abazov. pp. xvii, 125. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
  46. Superpower Illusions: How Myths and False Ideologies Led America Astray – And How to Return to Reality by Jack Matlock, Jr
  47. The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of Central Asia2009150Rafis Abazov. The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of Central Asia. New York, NY and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2008. xvii +124 pp., ISBN: 978 1 4039 7541 6 (hardback); 978 1 4039 7542 3...
  48. The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of Central Asia
  49. The parliamentary election in Kyrgyzstan, February/March 2005
  50. The Economic Prospects of the CIS: Sources of Long Term Growth
  51. Historical Dictionary of Turkmenistan2005386Rafis Abazov. Historical Dictionary of Turkmenistan. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press 2005. civ+240 pp. $65, ISBN: 0 8108 5362 0
  52. Oil, Transition and Security in Central Asia
  53. The parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan, February 2000
  54. The 1999 Presidential Elections in Kazakhstan
  55. The 1998 Elections in Brazil
  56. The Shifting Identities and Loyalties in Kyrgyzstan: The Evidence from the Field
  57. Policy of economic transition in Kyrgyzstan
  58. Economic Migration in Post-Soviet Central Asia: The Case of Kyrgyzstan
  59. Central Asia's conflicting legacy and ethnic policies: Revisiting a crisis zone of the former USSR
  60. Book reviews
  61. Reviews
  62. Formation of the non‐state sector and privatisation in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
  63. The Disintegration of the Economy of Central Asia in the Post-Soviet Period
  64. The balkanization of the economy of the Central Asian republics and its impact on the non-state sector
  66. The Economic and Financial Crises in CEE and CIS: Gender Perspectives and Policy Choices