All Stories

  1. Power Line Interference Elimination in ECG Signals
  2. Designing and Testing of the Software Module Evaluation of Visual Acuity for Information System Eye Center
  3. Fiber-Optic Breath Sensors: A Comparison Study
  4. Simulator of Foetal Phonocardiographic Recordings and Foetal Heart Rate Calculator
  5. Speech Signal Processing using Microphones NI 9234 and LabVIEW
  6. Comparison of the LMS, NLMS, RLS, and QR-RLS algorithms for vehicle noise suppression
  7. Fetal ECG Preprocessing Using Wavelet Transform
  8. Speech Quality Assessment Based on Virtual Instrumentation
  9. Analysis of the highway tunnels monitoring using an optical fiber implemented into primary lining
  10. Virtual simulator for the generation of patho-physiological foetal ECGs during the prenatal period
  11. Enhanced processing and analysis of multi-channel non-invasive abdominal foetal ECG signals during labor and delivery
  12. A Robust Approach For Acoustic Noise Suppression In Speech Using ANFIS