All Stories

  1. Post-traumatic stress disorder and self-reported outcomes after traumatic brain injury in victims of assault
  2. Resilience as a multimodal dynamic process
  3. The views of early intervention service staff on the treatment of first episode bipolar disorder
  4. Treatment of depression in schizophrenia: Systematic review and meta-analysis
  5. Depression during first episode psychosis and subsequent suicide risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
  6. Autism and psychosis: Clinical implications for depression and suicide
  7. Suicidality in Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  8. Fundamentals of Clinical Psychopharmacology (4th edn) Edited by Ian M. Anderson & R. Hamish McAllister-Williams. CRC Press 2015. £33.99 (pb). 280 pp. ISBN 9781498718943
  9. Fifteen years on – early intervention for a new generation
  10. Depression and Schizophrenia: Cause, Consequence or Trans-diagnostic Issue?
  11. What bridges the gap between self-harm and suicidality? The role of forgiveness, resilience and attachment
  12. Auditory verbal hallucinations in first-episode psychosis: a phenomenological investigation
  13. Understanding auditory verbal hallucinations: a systematic review of current evidence
  14. Bullying, victimisation, and psychosis
  15. Self-harm and ethnicity: A systematic review
  16. Complex posttraumatic stress disorder in traumatised asylum seekers: a pilot study
  17. Depression in first episode psychosis: The role of subordination and shame
  18. Cytokine function in medication-naive first episode psychosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  20. The immune system and schizophrenia: an update for clinicians
  21. What needs to follow early intervention? Predictors of relapse and functional recovery following first-episode psychosis
  22. Cultural and social influences of negative illness appraisals in first-episode psychosis
  23. ‘Schizophrenia postdrome’: a study of low-level psychotic experience after remission of first-episode schizophrenia
  24. Depression in schizophrenia and early psychosis: implications for assessment and treatment
  25. Self-harm in first-episode psychosis
  26. Insight, Social Knowledge and Working Memory in Schizophrenia