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  1. Examining the information needed for acceptance of deintensified screening programmes: qualitative focus groups about cervical screening in Australia
  2. Perceived life expectancy and colorectal cancer screening intentions and behaviour: a population-based UK study
  3. Physiotherapists’ views on the Australian Physiotherapy Association’s Choosing Wisely recommendations: a content analysis
  4. Cancer worry frequency vs. intensity and self-reported colorectal cancer screening uptake: A population-based study
  5. A Thematic Analysis of Attitudes Toward Changes to Cervical Screening in Australia
  6. Psychosocial impact of human papillomavirus-related head and neck cancer on patients and their partners: A qualitative interview study
  7. ‘It has saved thousands of lives, so why change it?’ Content analysis of objections to cervical screening programme changes in Australia
  8. Factors associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination across three countries following vaccination introduction
  9. Understanding middle-aged and older adults' first associations with the word “cancer”: A mixed methods study in England
  10. Promoting early presentation of breast cancer in older women: sustained effect of an intervention to promote breast cancer awareness in routine clinical practice
  11. Discussing HPV with oropharyngeal cancer patients: A cross-sectional survey of attitudes in health professionals
  12. Human Papillomavirus and Head and Neck Cancer: Psychosocial Impact in Patients and Knowledge of the Link – A Systematic Review
  13. Print and online newspaper coverage of the link between HPV and oral cancer in the UK: a mixed-methods study
  14. Discussing a diagnosis of human papillomavirus oropharyngeal cancer with patients: An exploratory qualitative study of health professionals
  15. Association between human papillomavirus vaccine status and other cervical cancer risk factors
  16. Knowledge of human papillomavirus (HPV) testing in the USA, the UK and Australia: an international survey
  17. Maintaining dignity for residents of care homes: A qualitative study of the views of care home staff, community nurses, residents and their families
  18. Promoting Early Presentation of Breast Cancer in Older Women: Implementing an Evidence-Based Intervention in Routine Clinical Practice
  19. Assessing quality-of-life in older people in care homes