All Stories

  1. Long-term stability of fusiform dilatation of the internal carotid artery following surgery adjacent to the circle of Willis: report of 2 cases
  2. Surgical volume of simple tethered spinal cord releases: review of a large pediatric neurosurgical service experience
  3. The utility of intraoperative MRI during pediatric brain tumor surgery: a single-surgeon case series
  4. Letter to the Editor. Bypass and revascularization in young moyamoya patients
  5. Fourth ventricle stent placement for treatment of recurrent syringomyelia in patients with type I Chiari malformations
  6. Acute fatal hemorrhage from previously undiagnosed cerebral arteriovenous malformations in children: a single-center experience
  7. a biomarker for moyamoya disease
  8. The natural history of cerebral cavernous malformations in children
  9. Safety of neuroangiography and embolization in children: complication analysis of 697 consecutive procedures in 394 patients
  10. Down syndrome and moyamoya: clinical presentation and surgical management
  11. Microsurgical treatment of arteriovenous malformations in pediatric patients: the Boston Children's Hospital experience
  12. Recurrence after gross-total resection of low-grade pediatric brain tumors: the frequency and timing of postoperative imaging
  13. Pial synangiosis in patients with moyamoya younger than 2 years of age
  14. Treatment of moyamoya disease in the adult population with pial synangiosis
  15. Resection of supratentorial lobar cavernous malformations in children
  16. Cavernous malformations of the basal ganglia in children
  17. Vascular collateralization along ventriculoperitoneal shunt catheters in moyamoya disease
  18. Intrasacral meningocele in the pediatric population
  19. Moyamoya syndrome associated with neurofibromatosis Type 1: perioperative and long-term outcome after surgical revascularization
  20. Chorea in the clinical presentation of moyamoya disease: results of surgical revascularization and a proposed clinicopathological correlation
  21. Childhood leukemia treatment late effects
  22. Spontaneous occlusion of the circle of Willis in children: pediatric moyamoya summary with proposed evidence-based practice guidelines
  23. Risk factors of sudden death in young adult patients with myelomeningocele
  24. Discovery of asymptomatic moyamoya arteriopathy in pediatric syndromic populations: radiographic and clinical progression
  25. Chiari malformation
  26. Progression of disease in unilateral moyamoya syndrome