All Stories

  1. Employment, masculinities, and domestic violence in ‘fragile’ contexts: Pakistani women in Pakistan and the UK
  2. Researching health inequalities with Community Researchers: practical, methodological and ethical challenges of an ‘inclusive’ research approach
  3. Engaging minorities in researching sensitive health topics by using a participatory approach
  4. Long‐term ill health and the social embeddedness of work: a study in a post‐industrial, multi‐ethnic locality in the UK
  5. Supporting Fathers in Multi-Ethnic Societies: Insights from British Asian Fathers
  6. A care pathway approach to identifying factors that impact on diagnosis of heart disease in British Pakistani women
  7. Improving capacity in ethnicity and health research: report of a tailored programme for NHS Public Health practitioners
  8. Influences on diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders among minority ethnic people in the UK
  9. Contributions and challenges of cross-national comparative research in migration, ethnicity and health: insights from a preliminary study of maternal health in Germany, Canada and the UK
  10. Long-term health conditions and Disability Living Allowance: exploring ethnic differences and similarities in access
  11. Using Participatory, Observational and ‘Rapid Appraisal’ Methods: Researching Health and Illness
  12. Long-Term Health Conditions and Disability Living Allowance: Exploring Ethnic Differences and Similarities in Access