All Stories

  1. Hydration properties of cementitious materials.
  2. A validated low carbon office building intervention model based on structural equation modelling
  3. Waste Steel Slag and their Influence on the Properties of Cement Blends
  4. Non-destructive testing of concrete treated with penetrating surface sealant using a Karsten-tube
  5. Effect of Carbonate Minerals and Calcination of Carbonatites and Kamafugites on Their Pozzolanic Performance and Early Age Concrete Properties
  6. Hexagonal honeycomb cell optimisation by way of meta-model techniques
  7. Comparative study of honeycomb optimization using Kriging and radial basis function
  8. Design Attributes for Geometry Optimization Process of Thin Walled Honeycomb Structures
  9. A practical approach to in-situ evaluation of surface-treated structures
  10. Strength and chloride permeability of concrete containing red tropical soils