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  1. Diagrammatic relations of probative strength and inferential progression through semiotics
  2. Confidence through the semiotic process
  3. Semiotics as an Interdisciplinary Methodology
  4. A System of 21 Classes of Signs as an Instrument of Inquiry
  5. A System of 21 Classes of Signs?
  6. Experience and Cognition in Peirce's Semiotics
  7. Os sinsignos icônicos nas 66 classes de signos: uma análise semiótica da fonte tipográfica Univers Revolved
  8. Tracing signs of a developing science: On the correspondence between Victoria Lady Welby and Charles S. Peirce
  9. The Classes of Signs as a Tool for Semiotic Inquiry
  10. A Visual Model of Peirce’s 66 Classes of Signs Unravels His Late Proposal of Enlarging Semiotic Theory
  11. 79. Peirce’s System of 66 Classes of Signs