All Stories

  1. The crisis of communication in democracy and what regulating of digital platforms does
  2. The UK is entering a new phase in regulating internet platforms.
  3. The emergence of platform regulation in the UK: an empirical-legal study
  4. The mediated public sphere is in flux.
  5. The creative economy in question
  6. Cultural sociologist Philip Schlesinger is interviewed by Tore Slaatta
  7. The complexity of researching media and cultural organisations
  8. Intellectuals and Cultural Policies
  9. Curators of Cultural Enterprise
  10. Mass Media and Cultural Identity
  11. Researching Cultural Enterprise Office
  12. Where Next for Cultural Business Support?
  13. Nation, State and Creative Economy
  14. Organisational Values and Practices of Support
  15. Origins and Development of CEO
  16. Future-Proofing CEO?
  17. The transformation of news media
  18. Uma Tentação Cosmopolita
  19. Devolution and Communications Policy in Scotland
  20. Essai sur l’ethnographie littéraire
  21. Book Reviews
  22. The Reinvention of Scotland?
  23. Introduction
  24. Emerging Issues
  25. Book Reviews
  26. Book Reviews
  27. Crime and Criminal Justice in the Media
  28. L'identité nationale. De l'incantation à l'analyse
  29. The Berlusconi Phenomenon
  30. Le chaînon manquant: le professionnalisme et le public
  31. Between Sociology and Journalism
  32. Press freedom campaign
  33. On the Stratification of Political Knowledge: Studying ‘Eurocommunism’, an Unfolding Ideology
  35. Intellectuals and Cultural Policies