All Stories

  1. Migrants, transcultural memory and World War I commemoration in post-conflict Northern Ireland
  2. Global Englishes: Dialogue and Communication in the Workplace
  3. When Language Rights are not enough!
  4. Intracultural dialogue as a precursor to cross-community initiatives: the Irish language among Protestants/unionists in Northern Ireland
  5. Cultural Heritage Across European Borders
  6. Local Public Service Media in Northern Ireland
  7. Language and a Continent in Flux
  8. The Palgrave Handbook of Minority Languages and Communities
  9. Migrants and the heritage sector
  10. From ridicule to legitimacy? ‘Contested languages’ and devolved language planning
  11. Language rights and the Council of Europe: A failed response to a multilingual continent?
  12. Politics of Identity in Post-Conflict States
  13. Public space, collective memory and intercultural dialogue in a (UK) city of culture
  14. Transitional Politics and Language Rights in a Multi-ethnic Northern Ireland: Towards a True Linguistic Pluralism?
  15. Cohesion, sharing and integration? Migrant languages and cultural spaces in Northern Ireland's urban environment
  16. Language and conflict in Northern Ireland and Canada: a silent war
  17. ‘Irish isn't spoken here?’ Language policy and planning in Ireland
  18. Acquisition, Loss or Multilingualism? Educational Planning for Speakers of Migrant Community Languages in Northern Ireland