All Stories

  1. Review of Thomas (2020): Formalism and Functionalism in Linguistics. The Engineer and the Collector
  2. Review of Heltoft, Igartua, Joseph, Kragh & Schøsler (2019): Perspectives on Language Structure and Language Change. Studies in honor of Henning Andersen
  3. National identity: Conceptual models, discourses and political change
  4. (Inter)subjectification in a functional theory of grammaticalization
  5. Variation, structure and norms
  6. A usage-based theory of grammatical status and grammaticalization
  7. Evidentiality
  8. Review of Dancygier & Sweetser (2005): Mental spaces in grammar: Conditional constructions
  9. Complement-taking predicates
  10. Review of Hannay & Bolkestein (1998): Functional Grammar and Verbal Interaction
  11. Review of Schilperoord (1996): IT’S ABOUT TIME – temporal aspects of cognitive processes in text production
  12. Content, Expression and Structure
  13. Layered Structure and Reference in a Functional Perspective