All Stories

  1. Mushroom husbandry: A tool for pollution control and waste management with job opportunities and revenue for rural communities and farm settlements
  2. Critical evaluation of the agro-ecological system of the Republic of South Africa (30°S) in response to unclassified claims of cocoa farming beyond 20°S of the equator
  3. Some Identifiable Factors Responsible for the Variation in Cocoa Production in Nigeria and Other Cocoa Producing Nations, Adjudicated by Their Contributions to the Global Market
  4. Virtual system for early detection of COVID-19 infection “Etaware-CDT-2020 prototype design” (corroborated by rRT-PCR data)
  5. Breakage Analysis and DEB Testing
  6. Antimicrobial Effect of Geophila obvallata (Schumach) Didr. Leaf Ectracts Against Pathogenic Microbes
  7. The effects of the phytochemistry of cocoa on the food chemistry of chocolate(s) and how disease resistance in cocoa can be improved using CRISPR/Cas9 technology
  8. Spatial and regional directory of wild Auricularia species found in the forest of Southwest Nigeria
  9. Maximum Entropy Niche Modelling to Estimate the Potential Distribution of Phytophthora megakarya (Brasier & M. J. Griffin) in Tropical Regions
  10. Rapid Computer Diagnosis for the Deadly Zoonotic COVID-19 Infection
  11. Monitoring the outbreak of black pod disease of cocoa in Nigeria using artificial intelligence
  12. Aflatoxin Detection and Quantification in Stored Cowpea Seeds in Ibadan, Nigeria
  13. Application of Plant-Base Fungicides to Control Aflatoxigenic Fungi Producing Mycotoxins in Stored Cowpea Seeds
  14. Plant disease forecast and modern dynamism in black pod disease management in Nigeria
  15. Conservation of the Functional Properties of Okra Powder by Local Storage Techniques
  16. The Impact Crude Plant Extracts: As Potential Biofertilizers and Treatment against Tomato Plant Infection