All Stories

  1. Seascape continuity plays an important role in determining patterns of spatial genetic structure in a coral reef fish
  2. Why Some Animals Forgo Reproduction in Complex Societies
  3. Consistent behavioural traits and behavioural syndromes in pairs of the false clown anemonefish Amphiprion ocellaris
  4. Marine Ecology: Reaping the Benefits of Local Dispersal
  5. Self‐recruitment in aCaribbean reef fish: a method for approximating dispersal kernels accounting for seascape
  6. Discrete and continuous reproductive tactics in a hermaphroditic society
  7. Probability of successful larval dispersal declines fivefold over 1 km in a coral reef fish
  8. Predictors of the distribution and abundance of a tube sponge and its resident goby
  9. Determinants of reproductive success in dominant pairs of clownfish: a boosted regression tree analysis
  10. Genetic relatedness in groups of the humbug damselfish Dascyllus aruanus: small, similar‐sized individuals may be close kin
  11. Reproductive skew and the evolution of conflict resolution: a synthesis of transactional and tug-of-war models
  12. Isolation and characterization of 16 microsatellite loci in the humbug damselfish, Dascyllus aruanus (family Pomacentridae)
  13. Fasting or feasting in a fish social hierarchy
  14. Cooperative Behaviour in Fishes
  15. Monogamy when there is potential for polygyny: tests of multiple hypotheses in a group-living fish
  16. Reproductive skew and the evolution of group dissolution tactics: a synthesis of concession and restraint models
  17. Cooperating in the face of uncertainty: A consistent framework for understanding the evolution of cooperation
  18. Are clownfish groups composed of close relatives? An analysis of microsatellite DNA variation in Amphiprion percula
  19. An extraordinary life span estimate for the clown anemonefishAmphiprion percula
  20. The threat of punishment enforces peaceful cooperation and stabilizes queues in a coral-reef fish
  21. A new perspective on size hierarchies in nature: patterns, causes, and consequences
  22. Diversity and flexibility of sex-change strategies in animals
  23. Does the presence of non-breeders enhance the fitness of breeders? An experimental analysis in the clown anemonefish Amphiprion percula
  24. Territory inheritance in clownfish
  25. Evolutionary biology: Sex change and relative body size in animals
  26. Mortality is associated with social rank in the clown anemonefish ( Amphiprion percula )
  27. Social hierarchies: Size and growth modification in clownfish
  28. Cognitive processes underlying human mate choice: The relationship between self-perception and mate preference in Western society
  29. Forcible eviction and prevention of recruitment in the clown anemonefish