All Stories

  1. Speech Errors in the Production of Initial Consonant Clusters: The Roles of Frequency and Sonority
  2. The pre-front field in spoken german and its relevance as a grammaticalization position
  3. Why are increments such elusive objects? An afterthought
  4. Gaze selects the next speaker in answers to questions pronominally addressed to more than one co-participant
  5. Understanding fairy tales spoken in dialect: an fMRI study
  6. Is there a multimodal construction based on non-deictic so in German?
  7. „Wie geil ist das denn?“
  8. Dialogus in dialogum
  9. Syntactic structures and their symbiotic guests
  10. Language Variation - European Perspectives IV
  11. The Contextualization of Language
  12. Bilingual Conversation