All Stories

  1. Accessibility and inclusiveness in the Metaverse
  2. US, EU, and UK Regulations on Cybersecurity of Blockchain Technologies
  3. The Rise and Fall of Cryptocurrencies: Defining the Economic and Social Values of Blockchain Technologies, assessing the Opportunities, and defining the Financial and Cybersecurity Risks of the Metaverse
  4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare
  5. New and emerging forms of data and cyber technologies
  6. What Country, University, or Research Institute, Performed the Best on Covid-19?
  7. Autonomous artificial intelligence
  8. Super-forecasting the ‘technological singularity’ risks from artificial intelligence
  9. Forecasts on Future Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
  10. Artificial intelligence in healthcare systems
  11. Alternative mental health therapies
  12. Ethics and Shared Responsibility - Health Policy and IoT Systems
  13. Quantifying Cyber Risks
  14. Ethical health technology assessment of cyber risk in supply chain infrastructures
  15. Digital twins
  16. Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things
  17. IoT Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence
  18. Risk analytics of uncontrollable states in complex internet of things systems
  19. Machine learning and cyber risk analytics at the edge
  20. Machine learning for predictive cyber risk analytics
  21. Data mining and analysis of scientific research data records on Covid-19
  22. Artificial intelligence in cyber physical systems
  23. The rise of social machines and connected devices in pandemic management
  24. Cyber risk at the edge
  25. Standardisation of cyber risk
  26. Cyber risk assessment for the internet of things