All Stories

  1. Effects of Wooden Breast Syndrome in Broiler Chicken on Sarcoplasmic, Myofibrillar, and Connective Tissue Proteins and Their Association with Muscle Fiber Area
  2. Utilising Low & High Moisture Extrusion Cooking for Valorising Soy Press Cakes to Develop Meat Analogues
  3. Changes of Raw Texture, Intramuscular Connective Tissue Properties and Collagen Profiles in Broiler Wooden Breast during Early Storage
  4. Relationship between pre-rigor temperature of pork longissimus muscle, myofibril-bound calpain activity and protein degradation
  5. Changes of Raw Texture, Intramuscular Connective Tissue Properties and Collagen Profiles in Broiler Wooden Breasts Pectoralis Muscles During Early Storage
  6. The eating quality of meat: II—Tenderness
  7. Effects of gaseous ozone treatment on the quality and microbial community of salmon (Salmo salar) during cold storage
  8. Effects of Modified Atmosphere Packaging with Varied CO2 and O2 Concentrations on the Texture, Protein, and Odor Characteristics of Salmon during Cold Storage
  9. Utilization of fermented and enzymatically hydrolyzed soy press cake as ingredient for meat analogues
  10. Role of freezing-induced myofibrillar protein denaturation in the generation of thaw loss: A review
  11. Sarcoplasmic and myofibril-bound calpains during storage of pork longissimus muscle: New insights on protein degradation
  12. Effect of wooden breast degree on lipid and protein oxidation and citrate synthase activity of chicken pectoralis major muscle
  13. Current understanding on the role of proteolysis on meat quality
  14. Freezing of meat and aquatic food: Underlying mechanisms and implications on protein oxidation
  15. Has breed any effect on beef sensory quality?
  16. Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy for Predicting the Phospholipid Fraction and the Total Fatty Acid Composition of Freeze-Dried Beef
  17. Impact of fermentation of okara on physicochemical, techno-functional, and sensory properties of meat analogues
  18. Myofibrillar protein characteristics of fast or slow frozen pork during subsequent storage at −3 °C
  19. Effect of LTLT heat treatment on cathepsin B and L activities and denaturation of myofibrillar proteins of pork
  20. Influence of Woody Breast Myopathy on Sarcomere Length and Tensile Strength in Commercial Broiler Pectoralis major Muscle
  21. Ca2+-induced binding of calpain-2 to myofibrils: Preliminary results in pork longissimus thoracis muscle supporting a role on myofibrillar protein degradation
  22. Mimicking myofibrillar protein denaturation in frozen-thawed meat: Effect of pH at high ionic strength
  23. MEATabolomics: Muscle and Meat Metabolomics in Domestic Animals
  24. Metabolite profile based on 1H NMR of broiler chicken breasts affected by wooden breast myodegeneration
  25. Protein degradation of black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) muscle during cold storage
  26. On the origin of thaw loss: Relationship between freezing rate and protein denaturation
  27. Effects of frozen-then-chilled storage on proteolytic enzyme activity and water-holding capacity of pork loin
  28. Protein oxidation affects eating quality of meat
  29. Low-temperature long-time cooking of meat: Eating quality and underlying mechanisms
  30. Unsaturated fat fraction from lard increases the oxidative stability of minced pork
  31. Colour variability of beef in young bulls from fifteen European breeds
  32. Evolution of proteolytic indicators during storage of broiler wooden breast meat
  33. Myofibrillar protein oxidation affects filament charges, aggregation and water-holding
  34. Muscle structure, sarcomere length and influences on meat quality: A review
  35. Myofibrillar protein gel properties are influenced by oxygen concentration in modified atmosphere packaged minced beef
  36. Relationship between proteolysis and water-holding of myofibrils
  37. Superficial and deep changes of histology, texture and particle size distribution in broiler wooden breast muscle during refrigerated storage
  38. 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology
  39. Effect of oxygen concentration in modified atmosphere packaging on color and texture of beef patties cooked to different temperatures
  40. On the water-holding of myofibrils: Effect of sarcoplasmic protein denaturation
  41. Novel DNPH-based method for determination of protein carbonylation in muscle and meat
  42. Relationship between oxygen concentration, shear force and protein oxidation in modified atmosphere packaged pork
  43. Effect of Various Phyto-extracts on Physico-chemical, Colour, and Oxidative Stability of Pork Frankfurters
  44. SNP included in candidate genes involved in muscle, lipid and energy metabolism behave like neutral markers
  45. Temperature induced denaturation of myosin: Evidence of structural alterations of myosin subfragment-1
  46. The Slaughter Process
  47. Phenotypic and genotypic background underlying variations in fatty acid composition and sensory parameters in European bovine breeds
  48. Polymorphisms in twelve candidate genes are associated with growth, muscle lipid profile and meat quality traits in eleven European cattle breeds
  49. Effect of pre-rigor temperature incubation on sarcoplasmic protein solubility, calpain activity and meat properties in porcine muscle
  50. Association of genes involved in carcass and meat quality traits in 15 European bovine breeds
  51. Genes involved in muscle lipid composition in 15 European Bos taurus breeds
  52. Relationship between meat toughness and properties of connective tissue from cows and young bulls heat treated at low temperatures for prolonged times
  53. High pressure treatment of brine enhanced pork affects endopeptidase activity, protein solubility, and peptide formation
  54. Electrical stimulation affects metabolic enzyme phosphorylation, protease activation, and meat tenderization in beef1
  55. The effect of temperature on the activity of μ- and m-calpain and calpastatin during post-mortem storage of porcine longissimus muscle
  56. Investigation on CAST, CAPN1 and CAPN3 porcine gene polymorphisms and expression in relation to post-mortem calpain activity in muscle and meat quality
  57. Effect of prolonged heat treatment from 48°C to 63°C on toughness, cooking loss and color of pork
  58. Influence of vitamins A, D3 and E status on post-mortem meat quality in steers under winter housing or pasture finishing systems
  59. Relationship between collagen characteristics, lipid content and raw and cooked texture of meat from young bulls of fifteen European breeds
  60. Desmin and troponin T are degraded faster in type IIb muscle fibers than in type I fibers during postmortem aging of porcine muscle
  61. Ageing of large cuts of beef loin in vacuum or high oxygen modified atmosphere – Effect on shear force, calpain activity, desmin degradation and protein oxidation
  62. Influence of early pH decline on calpain activity in porcine muscle
  63. Injection of marinade with actinidin increases tenderness of porcine M. biceps femoris and affects myofibrils and connective tissue
  64. Compensatory growth response as a strategy to enhance tenderness in entire male and female pork M. longissimus thoracis
  65. Evidence for post-mortem m-calpain autolysis in porcine muscle
  66. Modified atmosphere packaging affects lipid oxidation, myofibrillar fragmentation index and eating quality of beef
  67. In vitro study to evaluate the degradation of bovine muscle proteins post-mortem by proteasome and μ-calpain
  68. Genetic disruption of calpain correlates with loss of membrane blebbing and differential expression of RhoGDI-1, cofilin and tropomyosin
  69. Live weight, body size and carcass characteristics of young bulls of fifteen European breeds
  70. Novel method for determination of myofibril fragmentation post-mortem
  71. European cattle breed cluster accordingly to their meat quality parameters
  72. Mechanical properties of type I and type IIB single porcine muscle fibres
  73. Changes in the muscle proteome after compensatory growth in pigs
  74. Activities of calpastatin, μ-calpain and m-calpain are stable during frozen storage of meat
  75. Compensatory growth improves meat tenderness in gilts but not in barrows1
  76. Compensatory growth in slaughter pigs—in vitro muscle protein turnover at slaughter, circulating IGF-I, performance and carcass quality
  77. Effect of proteolytic enzyme activity and heating on the mechanical properties of bovine single muscle fibres
  78. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS FOR SPECIFIC COMPONENTS | Micronutrients and Other Minor Meat Components
  79. A Capillary Electrophoresis Method to Study Postmortem Proteolysis in Relation to Pork Tenderness
  80. Cooking loss and juiciness of pork in relation to raw meat quality and cooking procedure
  82. Tenderization of beef by lactic acid injected at different times post mortem
  83. Epinephrine upregulates calpain activity in cultured C2C12 muscle cells
  84. Relationship between proteolytic changes and tenderness in prerigor lactic acid marinated beef
  85. Effect of prerigor lactic acid treatment on lysosomal enzyme release in bovine muscle
  86. Calcium Content and Respiratory Control Index of Isolated Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria: Effects of Different Isolation Media
  87. Characterization of ligand binding to acyl-CoA-binding protein
  88. An FPLC method for determination of calpains and calpastatin in porcine m longissimus dorsi