All Stories

  1. Corporate ownership concentration drivers in a context dominated by private SME's
  2. COVID-19 Surprise Effect and Government Response Measures on the Influence on Asset Pricing Risk among European Travel and Airline Sectors
  3. A dynamic factor model applied to investor sentiment in the European context
  4. What Drives Qualified Investor Sentiment in a Pandemic State? A Robust Analysis Over North America, Asia, and Europe
  5. Behavioral Finance
  6. Corporate Finance
  7. Life Cycle Management II
  8. COVID-19 and investor sentiment influence on the US and European countries sector returns
  9. Subjective/ Behavioural Factors Influence the PSI 20 and IBEX 35
  10. A new European investor sentiment index (EURsent) and its return and volatility predictability
  11. A Reappraisal of the Causal Relationship between Sentiment Proxies and Stock Returns
  12. The influence of terrorism in tourism arrivals: A longitudinal approach in a Mediterranean country
  13. Implied equity duration as a measure of risk and its simultaneous endogeneity with performance in European companies
  14. A Indústria 4.0 e o seu Impacto no Tecido Económico Empresarial Português: O Caso da Região Dão-Lafões
  15. Board characteristics and its influence or firm performance
  16. Drivers to equity valuation: Perpetuities or annuities approach? An application to the main European stock markets
  17. Industry 4.0: a challenge of competition
  18. A Pedagogical, Educational and Biological Farm as a New Line of Profitable Business
  19. Why do Firms Live Longer than Others? The Elixir of (Eternal) Life of Blue Chip American Companies
  21. What Is a Firm’s Life Expectancy?
  22. Determinants Of Firm Terminal Value: The Perspective Of North American And European Financial Analysts