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  1. Reciprocal effects of reading and mathematics? Beyond the cross-lagged panel model.
  2. Are Schools in the U.S. South Using Special Education to Segregate Students by Race?
  3. Are U.S. Schools Discriminating When Suspending Students With Disabilities? A Best-Evidence Synthesis
  4. Are Hispanic, Asian, Native American, or Language-Minority Children Overrepresented in Special Education?
  5. Cross-Cohort Evidence of Disparities in Service Receipt for Speech or Language Impairments
  6. Are Black Children Disproportionately Overrepresented in Special Education? A Best-Evidence Synthesis
  7. Who Receives Speech/Language Services by 5 Years of Age in the United States?
  8. Evidence and Implications of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Identification and Treatment
  9. Racial/ethnic disparities in ADHD diagnosis by kindergarten entry
  10. Do Poor Readers Feel Angry, Sad, and Unpopular?