All Stories

  1. Reviving icons to death: when historic photographs become digital memes
  2. The mouse, the screen and the Holocaust witness: Interface aesthetics and moral response
  3. Television audiences and transnational nostalgia: Mad Men in Israel
  4. Visual frictions
  5. Media witnessing and the ripeness of time
  6. Television and the Imagination of Memory: Life on Mars
  7. Crisis-Readiness and Media Witnessing
  8. Media Witnessing
  9. Introduction
  10. Telling Presences: Witnessing, Mass Media, and the Imagined Lives of Strangers
  11. 6. The Bias of Bias: Innis, Lessing and the Problem of Space
  12. ImagiNation: news discourse, nationhood and civil society
  13. Telling Presences: Witnessing, Mass Media, and the Imagined Lives of Strangers
  14. Industrial ekphrasis: The dialectic of word and image in mass cultural production
  15. Inside the image factory: stock photography and cultural production
  16. The Public Eye and the Citizen-Voyeur: Photography as a Performance of Power
  17. To thine own self be true: The discourse of authenticity in mass cultural production
  18. Filling the Sight by Force: ‘Smoke’,photography and the rhetoric of immobilization1