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  1. Specialty Drug Coupons Lower Out-Of-Pocket Costs And May Improve Adherence At The Risk Of Increasing Premiums
  2. Impact of a drug utilization review program on high‐risk use of prescription controlled substances
  3. An Evaluation of the Relationship Between the Implementation of a Newly Designed Prescription Drug Label at Target Pharmacies and Health Outcomes
  4. Can Improved Prescription Medication Labeling Influence Adherence to Chronic Medications? An Evaluation of the Target Pharmacy Label
  5. Effect of a retrospective drug utilization review on potentially inappropriate prescribing in the elderly
  6. Associations Between Initial Antimicrobial Therapy and Medical Outcomes for Hospitalized Elderly Patients With Pneumonia
  7. Medical Outcomes and Antimicrobial Costs With the Use of the American Thoracic Society Guidelines for Outpatients With Community-Acquired Pneumonia