All Stories

  1. Whatever floats your boat
  2. Must/need, may/can and the scope of the modal auxiliary
  3. One more reason why Jesus never wrote a book
  4. A Cognitive-semantic Study of Verbal Complementation with Adjectives Expressing the Emotion of Fear in Canadian English
  5. The use of any with factive predicates such as 'regret' that imply the truth of their complement
  6. Relation between "Behind the painting was a secret door" and "There was indeed a secret door"
  7. Semantically-based functions of noun-class markers in Tagbana
  8. The role of DO-auxiliary in subject-auxiliary inversion: Developing Langacker’s notion of existential negotiation
  9. A fresh look at the compatibility between any and veridical contexts: The quality of indefiniteness is not strained
  10. The emergence of implicit meaning
  11. Reclaiming Control as a Semantic and Pragmatic Phenomenon
  12. Exploring the relation between the qualitative and quantitative uses of the determiner some
  13. Tense and control interpretations in gerund-participle and to infinitive complement constructions with verbs of risk
  14. Collocation, interpretation and explanation: The case of just any
  15. Anyone for non-scalarity?
  16. Complementation with Verbs of Choice in English
  17. L'influence de l'inversion sur l'interprétation de la forme progressive de l'anglais
  18. Verbs of Liking with the Infinitive and the Gerund
  19. The Gerund and the to-Infinitive as Subject
  20. Les conditions de production de l'effet de sens "imperfectif" avec la forme en -ing de l'anglais
  21. Gerund versus Infinitive as Complement of Transitive Verbs in English
  22. The Use of the Infinitive and the -ing after Verbs Denoting the Beginning, Middle and End of an Event
  23. C. Geisler, Relative infinitives in English. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia 91.) Distributor: Almqvist & Wiksell International, Stockholm, 1995. Pp. 269. SEK 186.00 (excl. VAT), ISBN 91 554 3502 5.
  24. Wh- words and the infinitive in English
  25. Need and dare: The black sheep of the modal family
  26. The infinitive and the‐ingas complements of verbs of effort
  27. Verb and noun number in English. A functional explanation
  28. L’infinitif en anglais : to et la personne
  29. Control in Free Adjuncts in English and French