All Stories

  1. Mapping a brain parasite: occurrence and spatial distribution in fish encephalon
  2. Mapping a brain parasite: occurrence and spatial distribution in fish encephalon
  3. Genetic variation of Sparicotyle chrysophrii (Monogenea: Microcotylidae) from the gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata (Teleostei: Sparidae) in the Mediterranean Sea
  4. Microscopic Characterization of the Mucous Cells and Their Mucin Secretions in the Alimentary Canal of the Blackmouth Catshark Galeus melastomus (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii)
  5. In‐feed trials of fenbendazole and other chemical/natural compounds against Sparicotyle   chrysophrii (Monogenea) infections in Sparus   ...
  6. Stages of Granulomatous Response Against Histozoic Metazoan Parasites in Mullets (Osteichthyes: Mugilidae)
  7. Determination of Praziquantel in Sparus aurata L. after Administration of Medicated Animal Feed
  8. New insight into genetic variation and haplotype diversity of Fasciola hepatica from Algeria
  9. Description of epithelial granular cell in catshark spiral intestine: Immunohistochemistry and ultrastructure
  10. Xenoligophoroides cobitis (Ergens, 1963) n. g., n. comb. (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae), a parasite of Gobius cobitis Pallas (Perciformes: Gobiidae) from the Mediterranean and Black seas
  11. Ecological and histopathological aspects of Didymodiclinus sp. (Trematoda: Didymozoidae) parasite of the dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus (Osteichthyes: Serranidae), from the western Mediterranean Sea
  12. Intestinal granular cells of a cartilaginous fish, thornback ray Raja clavata: Morphological characterization and expression of different molecules
  13. Occurrence of nematodes of the genus Anisakis in Mediterranean and Atlantic fish marketed in Sardinia
  14. Ecology of the Atlantic black skipjack Euthynnus alletteratus (Osteichthyes: Scombridae) in the western Mediterranean Sea inferred by parasitological analysis
  15. Epidemiological and molecular data on heterophyid trematode metacercariae found in the muscle of grey mullets (Osteichthyes: Mugilidae) from Sardinia (western Mediterranean Sea)
  16. Parasites and Lessepsian migration of Fistularia commersonii (Osteichthyes, Fistulariidae): shadows and light on the enemy release hypothesis
  17. The first record of Gyrodactylus corleonis Paladini, Cable, Fioravanti, Faria & Shinn, 2010 (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) from the wild
  18. Metazoan parasites in the head region of the bullet tuna Auxisrochei (Osteichthyes: Scombridae) from the western Mediterranean Sea
  19. Molecular and epidemiological data on Anisakis spp. (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in commercial fish caught off northern Sardinia (western Mediterranean Sea)
  20. Metazoan gill parasites of the Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus) (Osteichthyes: Scombridae) from the Mediterranean and their possible use as biological tags
  21. Parasites of the head of Scomber colias (Osteichthyes: Scombridae) from the western Mediterranean Sea
  22. Molecular characterization of Fasciola hepatica from Sardinia based on sequence analysis of genomic and mitochondrial gene markers
  23. Investigation into Cryptosporidium and Giardia in bivalve mollusks farmed in Sardinia region and destined for human consumption
  24. Additional records ofBeryx splendens(Osteichthyes: Berycidae) from the Mediterranean Sea, with notes on molecular phylogeny and parasites
  25. Metazoan parasites on the gills of the skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis (Osteichthyes: Scombridae) from the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean Sea)
  26. Molecular characterization of Fasciola gigantica from Mauritania based on mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences
  27. Molecular Characterization of Anisakis Larvae from Fish Caught Off Sardinia
  28. Prevalence of Anisakis spp. and Hysterothylacium spp. Larvae in Teleosts and Cephalopods Sampled from Waters off Sardinia
  29. Molecular characterization of Fasciola spp. from the endemic area of northern Iran based on nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences
  30. Molecular characterization of Hysterothylacium aduncum (Nematoda: Raphidascaridae) from different fish caught off the Tunisian coast based on nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences
  31. Assessment of Intraspecific mtDNA Variability of the Water FrogPelophylax saharicusin Eastern North Africa
  32. Combined analysis of four mitochondrial regions allowed the detection of several matrilineal lineages of the lessepsian fishFistularia commersoniiin the Mediterranean Sea
  33. Lessepsian fish migration: genetic bottlenecks and parasitological evidence
  34. Metazoan gill parasites of wild albacore Thunnus alalunga (Bonaterre, 1788) from the Balearic Sea (western Mediterranean) and their use as biological tags
  35. Outbreak of Sciaenacotyle panceri (Monogenea) on cage-reared meagre Argyrosomus regius (Osteichthyes) from the western Mediterranean Sea
  36. Genetic characterization of Fasciola hepatica from Tunisia and Algeria based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences
  37. North-easternmost record of <I>Halosaurus ovenii</I> (Actinopterygii: Notacanthiformes: Halosauridae) in the Mediterranean Sea, with notes on its biology
  38. Redescriptions of Ligophorus cephali Rubtsova, Balbuena, Sarabeev, Blasco-Costa & Euzet, 2006 and L. chabaudi Euzet & Suriano, 1977 (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae), with notes on the functional morphology of the copulatory organ
  39. Redescription of Ligophorus mediterraneus Sarabeev, Balbuena & Euzet, 2005 (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) with some methodological notes
  40. Molecular evidence for the occurrence of Contracaecum rudolphii A (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis (Linnaeus) (Aves: Phalacrocoracidae) from Sardinia (western Mediterranean Sea)
  41. Westward range expansion of the Lessepsian migrant Fistularia commersonii (Fistulariidae) in the Mediterranean Sea, with notes on its parasites
  42. Spatial and temporal changes in the assemblage structure of fishes associated to fish aggregation devices in the Western Mediterranean
  43. Reinstatement of Philometra jordanoi (López-Neyra, 1951) (Nematoda:Philometridae): a parasite of the Mediterranean dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe) (Osteichthyes, Serranidae)
  44. The by-catch of sharks in the western Mediterranean (Balearic Islands) trawl fishery
  45. Diet of the European flying squid Todarodes sagittatus (Cephalopoda: ommastrephidae) in the Balearic Sea (western Mediterranean)
  46. Fishery and biology of Norway lobsterNephrops norvegicus(Decapoda: Nephropidae) in Mallorca (western Mediterranean)
  47. Biology and fishery of Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797, caught by trawlers in Mallorca (Balearic Sea, Western Mediterranean)