All Stories

  1. Warm saline mouth rinse instructions after dental extractions: How well do patients comply?
  2. Use of oral mucoperiosteal and pterygo-masseteric muscle flaps as interposition material in surgery of temporomandibular joint ankylosis: A comparative study
  3. Management of maxillofacial and orthopedic injuries: Is there a need for maxillofacial units in orthopedic hospitals?
  4. A 2-year review of maxillofacial accident and emergency cases in a Nigerian tertiary hospital
  5. Management of odontogenic fibromyxoma in pediatric Nigerian patients: A review of 8 cases
  6. Management of Ludwig′s angina in pregnancy: A review of 10 cases
  7. Indications and risk factors for complications of lower third molar surgery in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital
  8. Ectopic 3rd Molar Tooth in the Maxillary Antrum
  9. A two-year audit of non-vascularized iliac crest bone graft for mandibular reconstruction: technique, experience and challenges
  10. Effect of Age, Sex and Level of Surgical Difficulty on Inflammatory Complications After Third Molar Surgery
  11. Comparative Study of Effect of Single and Multiple Suture Techniques on Inflammatory Complications After Third Molar Surgery