All Stories

  1. Development of a hybrid element to model intralaminar damage in thick composite plates under impact loading
  2. A coupled closed-form/Doubly Asymptotic Approximation approach for the response of orthotropic plates subjected to an underwater explosion
  3. On the applicability of Taylor’s theory to the underwater blast response of composite plates
  4. Effects of dynamics and trigger on energy absorption of composite tubes during axial crushing
  5. Energy absorption capacity of composite thin-wall circular tubes under axial crushing with different trigger initiations
  6. Measurement of fracture toughness of metallic materials produced by additive manufacturing
  7. Impact damage prediction in thin woven composite laminates – Part I: Modeling strategy and validation
  8. Measurement of residual stresses and toughness in Ti-6Al-4V material produced by laser beam manufacturing
  9. Study of the dynamic behavior of a bolted joint under heavy loadings
  10. A new multi-frequency approach based on Padé approximants for the treatment of transient dynamics problems with the variational theory of complex rays
  11. Towards a non intrusive method for solving coupled direct retrograde problem in transient dynamics
  12. Application of the variational theory of complex rays to the determination of shock induced vibration of a RC structure
  13. Medium velocity impact tests for reinforced foam core braided composite structures
  14. Influence of the aircraft crash induced local nonlinearities on the overall dynamic response of a RC structure through a parametric study
  15. A new methodology for assessing the global dynamic response of large shell structures under impact loading
  16. Experimental identification and associated model of the dissipation in the electric cables of a satellite structure
  17. Experimental study of impact energy absorption by reinforced braided composite structures: Dynamic crushing tests
  18. Uncertainties in structural dynamics: overview and comparative analysis of methods
  19. Variability of a Bolted Assembly Through an Experimental Modal Analysis
  20. Effects of the Stacking Sequence, Material Nature and Addition of an Adhesive Film on the Delamination Resistance of Woven Composite Laminates in Mode I and II
  21. Influence of the stacking sequence and crack velocity on fracture toughness of woven composite laminates in mode I
  22. A method for updating joint parameters in medium-frequency vibrations
  23. A substructured Trefftz method for updating joint models in the medium-frequency range
  24. A method for updating joint parameters in medium-frequency vibrations
  25. A Lattice Model to Simulate Ice-Structure Interaction
  26. A substructured version of the variational theory of complex rays dedicated to the calculation of assemblies with dissipative joints in the medium‐frequency range