All Stories

  1. Beyond territorial conceptions of entrepreneurial ecosystems: The dynamic spatiality of knowledge brokering in seed accelerators
  2. Assembling social innovations in emergent professional communities. The case of learning region policies in Germany
  3. Innovations in spatial planning as a social process – phases, actors, conflicts
  4. Geographies of dissociation: Value creation, ‘dark’ places, and ‘missing’ links
  5. Positioning and ‘doing’ geographies of dissociation
  6. A review of Making Value and Career Building in the Creative Economy. Evidence from Contemporary Visual Art. Springer Briefs in Geography. By Melanie Fasche
  7. Richard Shearmur, Christophe Carrincazeaux and David Doloreux (eds): Handbook on the Geographies of Innovation
  8. From ignorance to innovation: Serendipitous and purposeful mobility in creative processes – The cases of biotechnology, legal services and board games