All Stories

  1. Ecology, Population Density, and Translocation of the Snake-Eyed Skink (<i>Ablepharus kitaibelii</i>) in Westernmost Populations
  2. Influence of nano and bulk copper on agile frog development
  3. The Importance of Small Water Bodies’ Conservation for Maintaining Local Amphibian Diversity in the Western Balkans
  4. Functional genomics of abiotic environmental adaptation in lacertid lizards and other vertebrates
  5. Morphological and ecological divergence in two populations of European glass lizard, <italic>Pseudopus apodus</italic> (Squamata: Anguidae)
  6. Environmental temperatures shape thermal physiology as well as diversification and genome-wide substitution rates in lizards
  7. Influence of soil temperature and moisture on biochemical biomarkers in earthworm and microbial activity after exposure to propiconazole and chlorantraniliprole
  8. Population density, habitat dynamic and aerial survival of relict cave bivalves from genus Congeria in the Dinaric karst
  9. <strong>A new arboreal frog of the genus <em>Guibemantis</em> from the southeast of Madagascar (Anura: Mantellidae)</strong>
  10. <p class="HeadingRunIn"><strong>Description of <em>Duttaphrynus atukoralei </em>(Anura: Bufonidae) tadpoles<em> </em>from Sri Lanka</strong></p>
  11. Radically different phylogeographies and patterns of genetic variation in two European brown frogs, genus Rana
  12. Skeletochronological analysis of age structure in populations of four species of Malagasy poisonous frogs, genus Mantella