All Stories

  1. Sustained Efficacy of Stanford Neuromodulation Therapy (SNT) in Open-Label Repeated Treatment
  2. An Avenue for Optimization of Theta Burst Stimulation Protocols? Comments on the FOUR-D Randomized Noninferiority Clinical Trial
  3. Stanford Neuromodulation Therapy (SNT): A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial
  4. Lather, Rinse, Repeat? Breaking Repetitive Behaviors With Repetitive Stimulation
  5. Stanford Accelerated Intelligent Neuromodulation Therapy for Treatment-Resistant Depression
  6. Rigorous Translational Models Are Key to Studying Ketamine’s Antidepressant Mechanism: Response to Wang and Kaplin
  7. Target Population, Dose, and Timing Considerations for Understanding Naltrexone’s Subjective Effect: Response to Amiaz
  8. Interpreting Ketamine’s Opioid Receptor Dependent Effect: Response to Sanacora
  9. Attenuation of Antidepressant Effects of Ketamine by Opioid Receptor Antagonism
  10. Unilateral ultra-brief pulse electroconvulsive therapy for depression in Parkinson's disease