All Stories

  1. Exploring Civil Partnership From the Perspective of Those in Mixed-Sex Relationships: Embracing a Clean Slate of Equality
  2. Mixed-sex civil partnerships: developing a morality of love
  3. Recent developments in research with bisexual women
  4. Students’ Representations of Menopause and Perimenopause: Out of Control Bodies and Empathetic Expert Doctors
  5. It’s Like Bisexuality, but It Isn’t: Pansexual and Panromantic People’s Understandings of Their Identities and Experiences of Becoming Educated about Gender and Sexuality
  6. Essentials of thematic analysis.
  7. Bisexual and Pansexual Identities
  8. ‘Can I be a kinky ace?’: How asexual people negotiate their experiences of kinks and fetishes
  9. ‘A starting point for your journey, not a map’: Nikki Hayfield in conversation with Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke about thematic analysis
  10. “Never Say Never?” Heterosexual, Bisexual, and Lesbian Women’s Accounts of Being Childfree
  11. Looking heteronormatively good! Combining story completion with Bitstrips to explore understandings of sexuality and appearance
  12. Qualitative story completion: possibilities and potential pitfalls
  13. Misrecognition and managing marginalisation: Bisexual people’s experiences of bisexuality and relationships
  14. Bisexual women’s understandings of social marginalisation: ‘The heterosexuals don’t understand us but nor do the lesbians’