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  1. Look Angle Constrained Guidance Law for Stationary Target Interception in 3D
  2. Time-optimal moving target interception with impact angle constraint
  3. Impact Angle Constrained Time-Optimal Guidance Law for Stationary Target Interception in 3D
  4. Impact Angle Constrained Guidance Law for Intercepting Non-maneuvering Targets Avoiding Obstacles
  5. FOV constrained guidance law for nonstationary nonmaneuvering target interception with any impact angle
  6. Moving Target Interception Guidance Law for Any Impact Angle with Field-of-View Constraint
  7. Three-Stage Proportional Navigation for Intercepting Stationary Targets with Impact Angle Constraints
  8. Three-dimensional waypoint following for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles in obstacle-filled environments
  9. Waypoint Following for Fixed-Wing MAVs in 3D Space
  10. A comparison of several nonlinear filters for ballistic missile tracking on re-entry