All Stories

  1. Microsporidia: Eukaryotic Intracellular Parasites Shaped by Gene Loss and Horizontal Gene Transfers
  2. Morphology and phylogeny of Agmasoma penaei (Microsporidia) from the type host, Litopenaeus setiferus, and the type locality, Louisiana, USA
  3. Microsporidian Genome Structure and Function
  4. DIRS and Ngaro Retrotransposons in Fungi
  5. Ecological Genomics of the Microsporidia
  6. Extreme diversification of the mating type-high-mobility group (MATA-HMG) gene family in a plant-associated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus
  7. Shared Signatures of Parasitism and Phylogenomics Unite Cryptomycota and Microsporidia
  8. Phylogenomics of the Intracellular Parasite Mikrocytos mackini Reveals Evidence for a Mitosome in Rhizaria
  9. Phylogenomics of the Intracellular Parasite Mikrocytos mackini Reveals Evidence for a Mitosome in Rhizaria
  10. Latest Progress in Microsporidian Genome Research
  11. Diversity and Recombination of Dispersed Ribosomal DNA and Protein Coding Genes in Microsporidia
  12. Extremely Reduced Levels of Heterozygosity in the Vertebrate Pathogen Encephalitozoon cuniculi
  13. Searching for clues of sexual reproduction in the genomes of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
  14. Mitochondrial genome invaders: an unselfish role as molecular markers
  15. The Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis: Origin and Evolution of a Beneficial Plant Infection
  16. Meiotic genes in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
  17. The mitochondrial genome of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungusGigaspora margaritareveals two unsuspectedtrans-splicing events of group I introns
  18. Microsporidia
  19. Some like it toxic
  20. Acquisition of an animal gene by microsporidian intracellular parasites
  21. Shrink it or lose it: balancing loss of function with shrinking genomes in the microsporidia
  22. The complete sequence of the smallest known nuclear genome from the microsporidian Encephalitozoon intestinalis
  23. Evolution of the sex-Related Locus and Genomic Features Shared in Microsporidia and Fungi
  24. Microsporidia: a journey through radical taxonomical revisions
  25. Draft genome sequence of the Daphnia pathogen Octosporea bayeri: insights into the gene content of a large microsporidian genome and a model for host-parasite interactions
  26. Microsporidia Evolved from Ancestral Sexual Fungi
  27. Multilocus genotyping of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and marker suitability for population genetics
  28. mRNA processing in Antonospora locustae spores
  29. Genetic diversity and host plant preferences revealed by simple sequence repeat and mitochondrial markers in a population of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungusGlomus intraradices
  30. Comparative profiling of overlapping transcription in the compacted genomes of microsporidia Antonospora locustae and Encephalitozoon cuniculi
  31. Patterns of Genome Evolution among the Microsporidian Parasites Encephalitozoon cuniculi, Antonospora locustae and Enterocytozoon bieneusi
  32. Monophyly of β-tubulin and H+-ATPase gene variants in Glomus intraradices: consequences for molecular evolutionary studies of AM fungal genes
  33. Molecular Evidence for Introgression and Loss of Genetic Variability in Salmo (trutta) macrostigma as a Result of Massive Restocking of Apennine Populations (Northern and Central Italy)