All Stories

  1. Oral Ulcers and Necrotizing Gingivitis in Relation to HIV-Associated Neutropenia: A Review and an Illustrative Case
  2. Primary Oral Tuberculosis as an Indicator of HIV Infection
  3. Necrotizing Periodontal Diseases in a Semirural District of South Africa
  4. Human papillomavirus-mediated carcinogenesis and HPV-associated oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Part 1: Human papillomavirus-mediated carcinogenesis
  5. Human papillomavirus-mediated carcinogenesis and HPV-associated oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Part 2: Human papillomavirus associated oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
  6. Epithelial maturation and molecular biology of oral HPV
  7. The nature of fibrous dysplasia
  8. Extramedullary myeloma in an HIV-seropositive subject. Literature review and report of an unusual case
  9. Multiple congenital oral granular cell tumours in a newborn black female: a case report
  10. Report of a black South African child with oculodentodigital dysplasia and a novelGJA1gene mutation
  11. Human Immunodeficiency Virus–Associated Kaposi Sarcoma as an Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome: A Literature Review and Case Report
  12. The prognostic significance of facial lymphoedema in HIV-seropositive subjects with Kaposi sarcoma
  13. The malignant potential of HIV-associated Kaposi sarcoma
  14. HIV-associated Kaposi sarcoma: pathogenic mechanisms
  15. Herpes zoster infection as an immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in HIV-seropositive subjects: a review