All Stories

  1. Estimating incident infrared radiation intensity on a horizontal surface
  2. Resulting deposition patterns in various sessile droplets undergoing evaporation
  3. Capillary penetration of highly volatile liquids in a paper strip: an experimental study on wicking, evaporation, and condensation
  4. Formation of a Pendular Liquid Ring
  5. Preferential Air Invasion in an Evaporating Monolayer Porous Medium
  6. A fast method to measure the evaporation rate
  7. Understanding the coupling between the moisture loss and surface temperature in an evaporating leaf-type surface
  8. Numerical Investigation of Effects of G-Jitter on Buoyant Laminar Diffusion Flame
  9. Have you wondered why face-packs become hard after they lose moisture? Find the answer here.
  10. Wicking ability and cooling performance of a stack of packed capillaries.
  11. Moisture transfer driven by particle size contrast
  12. Seasonal evaporative characteristic from soils
  13. The study focused on understanding evaporation from a periodic array of line sources of water.
  14. Experimental investigation of effect of orientation and surface roughness on drying of porous media consisting of rods
  15. Burning, Fluttering, and Extinguishing of a Candle Flame in a Tube
  16. Sustained high evaporation rates from porous media consisting of packed circular rods
  17. Evaporation From Layered Porous Medium in the Presence of Infrared Heating
  18. Evaporation From Confined Porous Media Due to Controlled IR Heating From Above
  19. Natural Convection Driven Evaporation from a Water Surface