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  1. Effects of vowel context and discriminability on band independence in nonsense syllable recognition
  2. Effects of envelope bandwidth on importance functions for cochlear implant simulations
  3. Use of an adaptive-bandwidth protocol to measure importance functions for simulated cochlear implant frequency channels
  4. Adaptive bandwidth measurements of importance functions for speech intelligibility prediction
  5. Denoising Speech Signals for Digital Hearing Aids: A Wavelet Based Approach
  6. Effects of source-to-listener distance and masking on perception of cochlear implant processed speech in reverberant rooms
  7. Speech intelligibility in cochlear implant simulations: Effects of carrier type, interfering noise, and subject experience
  8. Effects of reverberation and masking on speech intelligibility in cochlear implant simulations
  9. Reducing correlated noise in digital hearing aids
  10. Reduction of autoregressive noise with shift-invariant wavelet-packets