All Stories

  1. French Receptions of Shakespearean Tragedy
  2. The Poetics of Diplomatic Appeasement in the Early Modern Era
  3. The Ambassador as Proteus: Indirect Characterization and Diplomatic Appeasement in Catiline and Measure for Measure
  4. Early Modern Diplomacy, Theatre and Soft Power
  5. Between Two Stools
  6. Reviewing Shakespeare's plays in performance
  7. Twelfth Night
  8. Acceptable Amazons? Female Warriors on the English and French Early Modern Stage
  9. The Winter's Tale (Le conte d'hiver) (review)
  10. « Seest thou not what a deformed theefe this fashion is ? » le costume-piège dans le théâtre renaissant
  11. La géographie de l’étrange ou l’esthétique du morbide dans le théâtre renaissant
  12. The Rape of Lucrece (Le Viol de Lucrèce) (review)
  13. Le Massacre à Paris (The Massacre at Paris) (review)
  14. Play Reviews
  15. Illustrations scéniques de la perte : le cas de Richard II de William Shakespeare